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Install of Sage 10.4 freezes my computer

asked 0 years ago

kyouren gravatar image

updated 0 years ago

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar image

Please note that my Linux build froze while building Sage 10.4

My machine is reasonably powerful, and shows 12 CPU.

During the build it occasionally showing 100% on all CPUs and SENSORS would register some heat issues, but usually continued.

The final error I got was from:

from /mnt/extra_data/Sage/Sage_10_4_failed/sage/logs/pkgs/scipy-1.12.0.log

#[spkg-install] [1033/1610] Compiling C++ object scipy/spatial/
#[spkg-install] [1034/1610] Generating 'scipy/spatial/'
#[spkg-install] warning: /mnt/extra_data/Sage/Sage_10_4/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10/var/tmp/sage/build/scipy-1.12.0/src/scipy/spatial/_ckdtree.pyx:1627:5: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
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Edited for legibility.

You don't say a thing on what your platform is (OS, existing packages, mode of installation, source, etc...). Your "last error" is a warning (and seems unrelated to your freezing problem).

A better place to report your problem would be either sage-support. If you have reasonts to presume the problem is release-specific (e. g. you managed to install a previous version or beta), sage-release might be preferable.


Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar imageEmmanuel Charpentier ( 0 years ago )

Thank you, Emmanuel,

your comments are very useful. The machine I am using is a core i5, with 12 cpu showing. I use Ubuntu Linux, Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS

The last active record is the scipy one, and looks like it simply the last record, by chance, ans so adds no value.

The day before I cloned and built the development version, with no problems.

I will not bother anyone again, sorry if I have wasted your time.

kind regards, Kevin

kyouren gravatar imagekyouren ( 0 years ago )

The day before I cloned and built the development version, with no problems.

Does this mean that your problem "happened to" fix itself ?

I will not bother anyone again, sorry if I have wasted your time.

You're welcome ! Questions about free software are part of the software itself ;-).

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar imageEmmanuel Charpentier ( 0 years ago )

Yes, Emmanuel, having executed the process a few times, it has become a probability problem.

It appears that all 12 cpus hit 100%, sensors show the increase in temperature, and the computer fail safe settings causes the shutdown. It has been 100% on all cpus, but does not shutdown.

If the machine was an i7 instead of an i5, maybe it would OK. My room temp is about 16C.

thank you for your time and interest.

kyouren gravatar imagekyouren ( 0 years ago )

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answered 0 years ago

kyouren gravatar image

updated 0 years ago

The best solution came out two weeks ago.

The "freeze" that I experienced was caused by insufficient memory on the machine.

I simply changed the SWAP memory to be 10G, and each install since then ran quite well.

I rebooted the machine, went back into the sage directory, typed in make, and the install restarted and eventually finished.

I have run the build process 3 or 4 times, and the same pattern occurs.

This evening I started the "make" at 6pm Melbourne time, and at 8pm, the machine went into 100% usage on all 12 cpus in scipy build, cooling fans sounded as if they were at a maximum, I copied the screen output below, and the screen and mouse postion froze. The cooling fans also slowed down.

I rebooted the machine, and copied

[[scipy-1.12.0] [spkg-install] [1010/1610] Copying file scipy/spatial/_qhull.pxd
[scipy-1.12.0] [spkg-install] [1011/1610] Copying file scipy/spatial/setlist.pxd
[scipy-1.12.0] [spkg-install] [1012/1610] Compiling C object scipy/spatial/
make[1]: Entering directory '/mnt/extra_data/Sage/Develop/sage/build/make'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/mnt/extra_data/Sage/Develop/sage/build/make'

and scipy process repeated, again at 100% all cpus, but did not stop:

[scipy-1.12.0] [spkg-install] [1608/1610] Linking static target scipy/optimize/_highs/libhighs.a
[scipy-1.12.0] [spkg-install] [1609/1610] Compiling C++ object scipy/optimize/_highs/
[scipy-1.12.0] [spkg-install] [1610/1610] Linking target scipy/optimize/_highs/
[scipy-1.12.0] [spkg-install] [1/1299] /mnt/extra_data/Sage/Develop/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10/var/tmp/sage/build/scipy-1.12.0/src/.mesonpy-bnrdgdh6/scipy/
[scipy-1.12.0] [spkg-install] [2/1299] /mnt/extra_data/Sage/Develop/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10/var/tmp/sage/build/scipy-1.12.0/src/.mesonpy-bnrdgdh6/scipy/_lib/

I would be interested if anyone else had this experience.

[spkg-install] warning: /mnt/extra_data/Sage/Sage_10_4/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10/var/tmp/sage/build/scipy-1.12.0/src/scipy/spatial/_ckdtree.pyx:1627:5: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
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Edited for legibility.

If you want to quote code, indent it by four space, or use the "010101" button (or select your code snippet and hit ctrl-K).

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar imageEmmanuel Charpentier ( 0 years ago )

Thank you very much, Emmanuel, I didn't know about the formatting.

kyouren gravatar imagekyouren ( 0 years ago )

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Asked: 0 years ago

Seen: 601 times

Last updated: Oct 13 '24