Is there a "compound matrix" method for matrices?

asked 2024-07-19 18:19:10 +0200

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I'm surprised that if A is a matrix that there isn't a A.compound_matrix(r) method.

The rth compound matrix can be constructed as

Cr = matrix(A.base_ring(), binomial(A.nrows(), r), binomial(A.ncols(), r), A.minors(r))

Writing a function to do this is trivial. However, it's such an important construction that I'm surprised it's not built-in.

Is it possible that I'm overlooking another method that builds the rth compound matrix?

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The usual name is "exterior power". It seems this is not yet implement on morphisms. Using "git grep" on the code base finds these words about various kinds of modules.

FrédéricC gravatar imageFrédéricC ( 2024-07-21 09:25:26 +0200 )edit