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How to compute the different ideal of a number field extension in Sage?

asked 0 years ago

Ys1123 gravatar image

updated 0 years ago

Let K/F be Q(32,ζ3)/Q(32). I want to compute the different ideal d for K/F and check the formula of NK/F(d)=ΔK/F where ζn is a n-th root of unity and ΔK/F is the relative discriminat of K/F.

But, at first, I tried to compute one more easier case for Q(5)/Q. It might be dQ(5)/Q=(25) since ΔQ(5)/Q=(20).

My attempt is following:

x=polygen(ZZ, 'x')

But this makes an error. Could you show me the correct code for this and for original setting?

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In Sage/Python, you need to add the parenthesis to "call" the function. Without the parenthesis, it returns the function itself:

sage: K.discriminant
<bound method NumberField_quadratic.discriminant of Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 + 5>
sage: K.discriminant()

Also the function (also called method) diff does not exists for K, that is, writting K.d and hitting the TAB key does not list any method called diff for the number field K.

Sébastien gravatar imageSébastien ( 0 years ago )

OK, then how can I get the different ideal (not the discriminant)?

Ys1123 gravatar imageYs1123 ( 0 years ago )

If you want to list methods of K containing the word "ideal", you may do:

sage: K.*ideal*?

If you want to list methods of K containing the word "different", you may do:

sage: K.*different*?
Sébastien gravatar imageSébastien ( 0 years ago )

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answered 0 years ago

Sébastien gravatar image

updated 0 years ago

For the easier example, you may do:

sage: x=polygen(ZZ, 'x')
sage: K.<a>=NumberField(x^2+5)
sage: K.different()
Fractional ideal (2*a)

which returns the ideal generated by 2*a you are expecting.

For the original example, I am not familiar at all with the subject, but trying to adapt the example shown in the documentation of K.relative_different accessible online here, one can do:

sage: x = polygen(ZZ, 'x')
sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3-2)
sage: PK.<t> = K[]
sage: L.<zeta3> = K.extension(t^2+t+1)
sage: L.relative_different()
Fractional ideal ((1/3*a^2 + 2/3*a + 1/3)*zeta3 + 2/3*a^2 + 1/3*a - 1/3)

Or maybe you want the absolute different:

sage: L.absolute_different()
Fractional ideal ((-2*a^2 + 2*a - 2)*zeta3 - a^2 - 2*a - 4)
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Asked: 0 years ago

Seen: 239 times

Last updated: Jun 11 '24