How to compute the different ideal of a number field extension in Sage?
Let K/F be Q(3√2,ζ3)/Q(3√2). I want to compute the different ideal d for K/F and check the formula of NK/F(d)=ΔK/F where ζn is a n-th root of unity and ΔK/F is the relative discriminat of K/F.
But, at first, I tried to compute one more easier case for Q(√−5)/Q. It might be dQ(√−5)/Q=(2√−5) since ΔQ(√−5)/Q=(20).
My attempt is following:
x=polygen(ZZ, 'x')
But this makes an error. Could you show me the correct code for this and for original setting?
In Sage/Python, you need to add the parenthesis to "call" the function. Without the parenthesis, it returns the function itself:
Also the function (also called method)
does not exists forK
, that is, writtingK.d
and hitting the TAB key does not list any method calleddiff
for the number field K.OK, then how can I get the different ideal (not the discriminant)?
If you want to list methods of K containing the word "ideal", you may do:
If you want to list methods of K containing the word "different", you may do: