GRE Math Subject Test Sample Question #3
How many dimensions can be present in the intersection of A and B, for A,B both 2D subspaces of R^4?
This question isn't really appropriate for this Sage forum since it is a problem that isn't solved using computation, let alone Sage. It's a theoretical question from linear analysis. You should consult any standard linear algebra textbook on linear spaces/subspaces or ask this question on a math help forum.
If others agree, I will remove the question. From a pedagogical point of view, it is certainly within scope IMHO. BTW I apologize for putting words in your mouth with the Dilbert joke. :-)
Given two pairs of (normal) vectors in RR^4, can you write a formula for the dimension of the intersection of the subspaces they span, and then use sage to find its minimum value? I'm sure this is not the best way to do this problem, but may be interesting for this forum.
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Asked: 14 years ago
Seen: 428 times
Last updated: Oct 20 '10