latex(-(x-1)/(x+1)) still broken
I can't understand, why this is still broken because since a few months this problem is reported.
sage: latex(-(x-1)/(x+1)) ---> $\frac{-x-1}{x+1}$
sage version 4.5
I can't understand, why this is still broken because since a few months this problem is reported.
sage: latex(-(x-1)/(x+1)) ---> $\frac{-x-1}{x+1}$
sage version 4.5
This bug is now fixed in Sage, you will get $-\frac{x - 1}{x + 1}$ as expected:
sage: latex(-(x-1)/(x+1))
-\frac{x - 1}{x + 1}
I can't understand, why this is still broken because since a few months this problem is reported.
The relevant bug report is in this sage-support thread, which also lists the relevant bug tracking tickets. The long delay from when a bug is first reported to the time the bug is fixed depends on many factors. But the delay is often a result of finding someone willing to volunteer to fix the bug and another person to volunteer their time to review the bug fix. Fortunately, the relevant tickets (#9394 and #9834) have received positive reviews. This means that you can most likely expect the fix to be in Sage 4.6.
We've merged several Pynac improvements and fixes, including one for the LaTeX fraction sign problem, into Sage 4.6.alpha3.
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Asked: 2010-09-29 05:16:58 +0100
Seen: 790 times
Last updated: May 08 '13
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