Auslander-Reiten Quiver - knitting
Given a quiver representation
A3 = DiGraph({1 : {2 : ['a']},
2 : {3 : ['b']}})
A4 = DiGraph({1 : {2 : ['a']},
2 : {3 : ['b']},
3 : {4 : ['b']}})
do you know a script or an algorithm which can be downloaded or is part of a library to perform knitting for determining the Auslander-Reiten quiver, for simple cases such as above. The above are the Dynkin diagrams of type A3 and A4.
Knitting is described in A. Schiffler, Quiver Representations, Springer, 2014, p. 70 f. I realize there is a way to calculate the Auslander-Reiten-Translate (
available since today in the latest beta