How can I construct matrices over the octonions?
Using QuaternionAlgebra, I can make and multiply matrices with quaternionic entries without difficulty. Using OctonionAlgebra, if I try to make a matrix I get a type error telling me that my algebra is not a ring. So far as I can track it down, Matrix_Spaces runs a test asking whether the algebra is in Rings. QuaternionAlgebras are; OctonionAlgebras are not.
Is there a reasonable way to work around this issue? Manually add my octonion algebra to Rings? Disable the type check in Matrix_Spaces?? Something else?
I suggest to report this issue at
Octonions not being associative, matrices make no sense.
Which operations are needed for these matrices over the octonions? Just make an own class if the wanted mathematical application is a short (or not involved) project...
@FrédéricC & @dan_fulea: Matrix multiplication requires only multiplication and addition, which are already defined. But I don't know enough Sage/Python to bypass the test in Matrix_Spaces which is preventing matrix computations using existing operations. @Max Alekseyev: Will do; thanks for the suggestion.