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How to factor an integer apparently including irrational numbers

asked 2023-10-07 06:07:10 +0100

Ys1123 gravatar image

updated 2023-10-07 08:47:39 +0100

I want to do prime factorization of following $a$


But sage says simply


What should I do?

(I originally wanted to factor $\frac{(3+\sqrt{8})^i +(3-\sqrt{8})^i}{2}$ for i in [1..40])

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Homework ?

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar imageEmmanuel Charpentier ( 2023-10-07 10:34:37 +0100 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2023-10-07 15:59:18 +0100

Max Alekseyev gravatar image

updated 2023-10-07 16:43:10 +0100

Check type(a):

print( type(a) )

which gives:

<class 'sage.symbolic.expression.expression'="">

and so a is not an integer but a symbolic expression. If you want to factor a as an integer, convert it to an integer type first:

print( ZZ(a).factor() )

which gives 2 * 3 as expected.

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Thank you. Then I want to move on original question:


But then sage put out error.

Ys1123 gravatar imageYs1123 ( 2023-10-08 05:43:06 +0100 )edit

You need to expand a before converting:

Max Alekseyev gravatar imageMax Alekseyev ( 2023-10-08 13:43:35 +0100 )edit

Thank you again! The problem solved by following code!

S=[((3+sqrt(8))^i+(3-sqrt(8))^i)/2 for i in [1..40]]
[ZZ(a.expand()).factor() for a in S]
Ys1123 gravatar imageYs1123 ( 2023-10-08 15:46:06 +0100 )edit

answered 2023-10-07 14:52:46 +0100

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar image

updated 2023-10-07 14:56:31 +0100

What should I do?

Nothing ;-).

Let's start from the binomial formula :

sage: a, b, c, i, j = var("a, b, c, i, j")
sage: BF=(a+b)^i==sum(a^j*b^(i-j)*binomial(i, j), j, 0, i, hold=True) ; BF
(a + b)^i == sum(a^j*b^(i - j)*binomial(i, j), j, 0, i)

($$ {\left(a + b\right)}^{i} = {\sum_{j=0}^{i} a^{j} b^{i - j} \binom{i}{j}} $$

Let's generalize it by using wildcards :

sage: w0, w1, w2 = (SR.wild(u) for u in  range(3))
sage: BFG = BF.subs({a:w0, b:w1, i:w2}) ; BFG
($1 + $0)^$2 == sum($1^($2 - j)*$0^j*binomial($2, j), j, 0, $2)

$$ {\left(\$1 + \$0\right)}^{\$2} = {\sum_{j=0}^{\$2} \$1^{\$2 - j} \$0^{j} \binom{\$2}{j}} $$

and use it on a general form of your original expression :

sage: Ex=(a + b)^i + (a - b)^i ; Ex
(a + b)^i + (a - b)^i

$$ {\left(a + b\right)}^{i} + {\left(a - b\right)}^{i} $$

sage: ExT=Ex.subs(BFG) ; ExT
sum(a^j*(-b)^(i - j)*binomial(i, j), j, 0, i) + sum(a^j*b^(i - j)*binomial(i, j), j, 0, i)

$$ {\sum_{j=0}^{i} a^{j} \left(-b\right)^{i - j} \binom{i}{j}} + {\sum_{j=0}^{i} a^{j} b^{i - j} \binom{i}{j}} $$

which can be rewritten ("contracted") as a single sum :

sage: ExTR=ExT.maxima_methods().sumcontract() ; ExTR
sum(a^j*(-b)^(i - j)*binomial(i, j) + a^j*b^(i - j)*binomial(i, j), j, 0, i)

$$ {\sum_{j=0}^{i} a^{j} \left(-b\right)^{i - j} \binom{i}{j} + a^{j} b^{i - j} \binom{i}{j}} $$

whose summand can be factored as :

sage: ExTR.operands()[0].collect_common_factors()
a^j*((-b)^(i - j) + b^(i - j))*binomial(i, j)

$$ a^{j} {\left(\left(-b\right)^{i - j} + b^{i - j}\right)} \binom{i}{j} $$

Now, assuming that $a,b\in\mathbb{R},\,b>0$ :

  • if $i-j$ is odd, $\left(\left(-b\right)^{i - j} + b^{i - j}\right)=-\left(b\right)^{i - j} + b^{i - j}=0$

  • if $i-j$ is even, $\left(\left(-b\right)^{i - j} + b^{i - j}\right)=2\,b^{i - j}$.

All non-zero terms of the sum are therefore products whose $b$ factor is at an even power ; therefore, if $b$ is a square root, these terms can all be simplified as a real without (external) radical.

That's (more or less) what Sage does when putting its computation results in its "preffered format", which has already been the cause of very many questions...


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Asked: 2023-10-07 06:07:10 +0100

Seen: 251 times

Last updated: Oct 07 '23