Simple example of a finitely presented algebra

asked 2023-10-04 14:03:52 +0200

Martin-Br gravatar image

How can I work with the finitely presented $\mathbb{F}_2$-algebra

$\mathbb{F}_2 \langle a,b : b a = a^2 b \rangle$

in SageMath? In my previous question it became clear that SageMath quotients do not really work well unless we use implementation="letterplace" and homogeneous ideals. This is a bug, and it has been reported several times in this forum. So we would require a new variable $s$ and take $sba = a^2 b$ as the relation (also, $s$ should commute with $a$ and $b$). The problem, however, is that SageMath will not simplify terms according to the relation. So in more complex expression, $sba$ will just stay as it is.

I then tried with Singulars Galgebras, but again this does not work since the relation $ba=a^2 b$ is not homogeneous, and I get other error messages when I try to make it homogeneous instead.

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