efficient generation of restricted divisors
This question is in the same venue as my previous one on generation of unitary divisors.
This time I'm interested in generating all divisors of a given factored integer that are below a given bound B
. For simplicity I will focus on just counting such divisors.
A straightforward way is to use the divisors()
import itertools
def divbelow_1(n,B):
return sum(1 for _ in itertools.takewhile(lambda d: d<=B, divisors(n)))
The downside is that this function constructs a list of all divisors of $n$ (there are $\tau(n)$ of them), which limits its applicability. Still, if this list fits into the memory, divbelow_1()
works quite fast. I'm interested in the case when $\tau(n)$ is large, but the number of divisors below B
is moderate. Ideally, I'd like to have a function that have comparable performance to divbelow_1(n,B)
when B==n
, and that at the same time avoids generation of divisors above B
My attempt was:
# N = list(factor(n)), a list of pairs (prime,exponent) forming the factorization of n
def divbelow_2(N,B,i=0):
if B <= 1:
return B
if i>=len(N):
return 1
p,e = N[i]
result = 0
for k in (0..e):
result += divbelow_2(N,B,i+1)
B //= p
if B==0:
return result
White it looks quite efficient for me from theoretical perspective, it loses badly to divbelow_1()
in practice. Here is a particular example:
sage: %time divbelow_1(47987366728745697656468743117440000, 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 4.73 s, sys: 368 ms, total: 5.1 s
Wall time: 5.1 s
sage: %time divbelow_2(list(factor(47987366728745697656468743117440000)), 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 1min 31s, sys: 7.89 ms, total: 1min 31s
Wall time: 1min 31s
I can cope with 2-3 fold slowdown, but not with 18-fold one. So, my question is:
Q: Why
is so slow, and if there is there a room for improvement? (without usingdivisors()
ADDED. I suspect the drastic slowdown is caused by the recursion overhead. Here is a non-recursive version that generates the list of all divisors below B
def divbelow_7(n,B):
div = [1]
for p, e in factor(n):
ext = div
for i in range(e):
ext = [r for d in ext if (r := d * p) <= B]
return len(div)
On the above example it even beats divbelow_1()
sage: %time divbelow_7(47987366728745697656468743117440000, 61448226992991993)
CPU times: user 1.97 s, sys: 176 ms, total: 2.15 s
Wall time: 2.15 s
Maybe this is relevant?
This is better, although you still generate all divisors, while we can check the inequality
<= B
and perform filtering while extending. See update in the question.Not all divisors, all divisors from output. This is a significant difference for me. Nice to see some similarities. I hope that sage divisors will be replaced by your new code soon
I've improved it a bit even further.