This depends on the %display
setting of Jupyter :
if simple
, show
will display a LatexExpr L
as str(L)
if latex
, it will display whatever Latex (more precisely MathJax, see Sage's documentation, which h&s some serious detail about this...) does with your LaTeX expression.
BTW, for the $N^{\text{th}}$ time :
Learn Python
Learn Sage
Peruse prevous answers in this list/forum
Aim LaTeX questions to a LaTeX list/forum, Jupyter questions to a Jupyter list/forum
BEFORE questioning this list/forum with trivialities, FAQs or half-cooked non-questions. In the case in point, a very simple Google would have pointed you at this previous answer.
The time you have already spent asking such non-questions exceeds probably by a fat margin the time you would have spent learning yourself how to answer most of your previous questions by yourself... and I do not even account for the time spent arguing "I have no time for this learning".
Unless you provide a way to reproduce the problem, there is likely no way to diagnose it.
I cannot give you more. Some times it happen sometime not. When I use sagecell I have no problem. Under windows it doesn't. I can send the complete notebook. But I cannot provide a short one.