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generating powers of g, an irreducible polynomial in an extension field

asked 2022-10-22 06:55:17 +0100

anonymous user


updated 2022-10-22 09:13:18 +0100

In an extension field, how do you to iteratively multiply an irreducible polynomial to obtain its powers, simplifying and printing the results in sagemath?

For example:

1) Within GF(59^2)['x'], the polynomial x^2 + 2x + 13 is irreducible.

2) Say we use the label 'g', we can use this irreducible polynomial to express g squared.

`g^2 = -2g - 13 
        = 57g + 46

3) Subsequent powers of g can be obtained by iteratively multiplying the previous expression by g.

for example:

 g^2 = 57g+46 
 g^3 = g(g^2) = g(57g+46) = 57g^2 + 46g = 57 (57g + 46) + 46g  (mod 59)
       = 50g + 26,

 g^4 = g(g^3) = g(50g + 26) = 50g^2 + 26g = 50(57g+46) + 26g = (50*57)g + (50 * 46) + 26 g (mod 59)
       = 44g + 58, 

 g^5 = g(g^4) = g(44g + 58) = 44g^2 + 58g = 44(57g+46) + 58g = (44*57)g + (44 * 46) + 58g = 30g + 18+ 58g
       =29g + 18 
 and so on, up to cycle, or g^59.

The question is:

What would the sagemath code look like to do the following a) initialize g squared, subsequently multiply by g, and simplify mod 59 to print the following output?

Sample output:

g^2 = 57*g + 46 
g^3 = 50*g + 26
g^4 = 46*g + 58
g^5 = 25*g + 51
g^59 = ....

Possible pseudocode:

#initialize the ring    
F = GF(59^2)['x']
#initialize the starting point to our g^2                            
g_current = F('57g + 46')
#loop over an appropriate range                                      
    for i in range (1,57):                                            
      #accumulate the current power, multiplying the previous by g, and then simplifying
       g_current = (g * g_current).simplify()                 
      #print an appropriate line  summary
      print("g^" + str(i+2) + "=" + str(g_current))

Your help is appreciated.

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1 Answer

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answered 2022-10-24 15:49:07 +0100

Max Alekseyev gravatar image

First, you define polynomial over $GF(59^2)$ but then reduce its coefficients modulo 59. It will be simpler to consider the polynomial over $GF(59)$ upfront. Next, the claim "up to cycle, or g^59" is incorrect. The cycle length in this case equals $\frac{59^2-1}3=1160 > 59$.

The coefficients you look for form the first column of the powers of the companion matrix of polynomial $g$. They can be computed as follows:

R.<x> = GF(59)[]
g = x^2 + 2*x + 13
M = companion_matrix(g)
for n in (1..10):
    c = (M^n).column(0)
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Asked: 2022-10-22 06:55:17 +0100

Seen: 165 times

Last updated: Oct 24 '22