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How to compute such resultant?

asked 2022-09-26 19:00:28 +0200

DreDd gravatar image

updated 2022-10-02 21:03:44 +0200

FrédéricC gravatar image

I need to compute such resultant: Where - polynomials over Z.

How can i do this in sage?

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answered 2022-09-26 19:54:40 +0200

rburing gravatar image


R.<x> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
A1 = R.random_element(degree=2)
C0 = R.random_element(degree=2)
C1 = R.random_element(degree=2)
S.<y> = PolynomialRing(R)


sage: A1(y).resultant(C0 + y*C1)
x^4 - 6*x^3 + 5*x^2 - 4*x + 2
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Thanks, I tried to set a polynomials over another fields, especially C1, and face with data type problem, would it be correct to use change_ring to bring everything into the same form?

DreDd gravatar imageDreDd ( 2022-09-26 22:59:15 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2022-09-26 19:00:28 +0200

Seen: 292 times

Last updated: Sep 26 '22