where is the sage/cython - numba-cuda forum
Hi, thank you very much for all your hard work
I would like to know where is the exact forum for sage
I am doing solitons elliptic and higher genus solutions of non-linear pde (sigma models-Yang -Mills) with relations to duality and geometric Langlands. The calculations are TERRIBLE
Now, I am building my own libraries with cython an CUDA I am using mostly pycuda/numba (raw kernel or elementwise) i am using sage 9.7 over wsl/ubuntu(20/22)
where is the correct forum to discuss sage/cython/numba/cuda?
more accurate
using Nvidia HPC nvc++/openACC (multicore cpu or gpu) with cython
You could post to the "sage-support" Google group.
Thank you again. Not exactly what i hoped for but thank you.