Why is a png viewer not loading?
Question 54175 is the same issue highlighted previously without solution.
This is so frustrating as it's the first time I'm using Sage and the whole process has been incredibly annoying to set up and I can't even view my plot!
I'm using SageMath 9.6, using Ubuntu on Windows.
Here's my code:
sage: vector_field(X, Y) = (0.9*X - 0.5*Y, 0.1*X + 0.8*Y)
sage: p = plot_vector_field(vector_field,
....: (X, -2, 2), (Y, -2, 2),
....: frame=False,
....: color="green",
....: plot_points=10,
....: axes_labels=("$X$", "$Y$"))
sage: show(p, aspect_ratio=1, figsize=5)
Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
But no png viewer is launched!
are you using Virtual box or WSL? For WSL, Did you install X11 for windows and configure it? "Install a X server for Windows Configure bash to tell GUIs to use the local X server" see https://seanthegeek.net/234/graphical... as an example and this page https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/gettin... and also see Mircosoft WSL pages on how to do this.
Using WSL. I tried configuring following the first link, but I get the error Can't open display: localhost:0.0.