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Graph plotting not working properly

asked 2022-05-27 17:03:29 +0100

vidyarthi gravatar image

updated 2022-05-29 11:37:50 +0100

slelievre gravatar image

Consider the following code:

def Sier(g):
    h = Graph()
    for i in range(1, g.order() + 1):
        perm = {u: (i, u) for u in g}
        gg = g.relabel(perm=perm, inplace=False)
    return h

f = Sier(graphs.CompleteGraph(4))
v = f.vertices()
n1 = [((a, b), (b, a)) for a, b in v]
n2 = [(a, a), (a, a)) for a, b in v]
x = set(n1) - set(n2)
z = f.add_edges(x)

The plot function does not give the graph I desire. The size() function gives the size correctly. But the diagram is incorrect. Why is this? Any workarounds to make it precise?

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The plot function does not give the graph I desire.

What do you desire, exactly ?

Sorry, I'm not a psychiatrist. I'm just running H sapiens sapiens L. v 1.0, without psychic interface. And my aging dvinatory abilities do leave something to desire...

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar imageEmmanuel Charpentier ( 2022-05-27 23:53:04 +0100 )edit

@Emmanuel Charpentier The plot function above gives me a disconnected graph with less number of edges, quite different from the desired size

vidyarthi gravatar imagevidyarthi ( 2022-05-30 12:50:56 +0100 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2022-05-28 08:12:27 +0100

ortollj gravatar image

updated 2022-05-28 08:40:27 +0100

Hi @vidyarthi

I try to guess, maybe this graph?

def Sier(g):
    h = Graph()
    for i in range(1, g.order() + 1):
        perm = {u: (i, u) for u in g}
        gg = g.relabel(perm=perm, inplace=False)
    return h
n1=[((a,b),(b,a)) for (a,b) in v]
n2=[((a,a),(a,a)) for (a,b) in v]
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if not, like Emmanuel asked you we need precisions !

I guess @David Coudert answser will help you: editing digraph layout

ortollj gravatar imageortollj ( 2022-05-28 08:15:36 +0100 )edit

and check the construction of the Generalized Sierpinski graphs (needs review)

David Coudert gravatar imageDavid Coudert ( 2022-05-28 15:49:57 +0100 )edit

@David Coudert yes, what I wanted in my above plot was the Generalized Sierpinski Graph. But, even after trying the code as given in the answer, I am unable to get my desired graph. My graph is connected, whereas the graph plotted is disconnected. And, moreover, the size of graph does not match the construction.

vidyarthi gravatar imagevidyarthi ( 2022-05-30 12:49:51 +0100 )edit

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Asked: 2022-05-27 17:03:29 +0100

Seen: 397 times

Last updated: May 29 '22