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Sage not listed in Jupyter kernels

asked 2 years ago

vit_tucek gravatar image

I just tried compiling and installing sage from source and ./sage -n runs a Jupyter interface which does not have Sage as a kernel.

I am using Windows 11 with WSL 2. I installed Ubuntu 20.04 and upgraded it to 22.04. After cloning the sagemath GitHub repository, I ran ./configure --enable-editable and then installed all the suggested packages. I got some build errors, probably due to me setting MAKE='make -j24' but after unseting that variable and reruning make build it finished without errors.

The console version runs and shows sage 9.6 but jupyter and jupyterlab interface do not provide Sage as kernel. There's just Python.

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Did you start your Windows Jupyter, or the one installed by Sage's compilation ?

As far as I understand, the former won't work (The Sage Jupyter kernel is a Linux executable...).

The latter requires some way to run X applications (i. e. some X server). I understand that Windows 11's WSL2 does provide one.

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar imageEmmanuel Charpentier ( 2 years ago )

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answered 2 years ago

Matthias Köppe gravatar image

A workaround is described in

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Asked: 2 years ago

Seen: 358 times

Last updated: May 18 '22