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Polynomial division on non usual ring.

asked 2022-02-15 04:47:11 +0100

rafael gravatar image

updated 2022-02-15 09:47:58 +0100

slelievre gravatar image

Hello everyone, I hope you are well.

I'm trying to do the algorithm of division between polynomials in an unusual ring and I'm having problems. I searched in some forums and couldn't find anything on the subject.

The idea is to do the division in the following ring R:

UCF = UniversalCyclotomicField()
R.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(UCF,2,'x','y', order='lex')

The idea is to get the coefficient between $f/g=q$, with $f$, $g \in R[x,y]$.

But overall the result of $f/g$ is just giving $f/g$, even in the case where $f=g$.

I try this method in Ask Sage question 50406 but Sage can't do the math.

Thank you for your attention.

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Do you just want q = f // g? Note the double slashes.

rburing gravatar imagerburing ( 2022-02-15 05:03:20 +0100 )edit

i dont know what the // double slashes do. Anyway, this return a error: KeyError: '_PolynomialRing_singular_repr__singular'

rafael gravatar imagerafael ( 2022-02-15 05:30:31 +0100 )edit

Please give us a concrete example.

FrédéricC gravatar imageFrédéricC ( 2022-02-15 11:23:41 +0100 )edit

for example, when i try to do:

UCF = UniversalCyclotomicField()
R.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(UCF,2,'x','y', order='lex')


the output is symbolic:

and i need the output: 1.

rafael gravatar imagerafael ( 2022-02-15 19:39:53 +0100 )edit

Can you illustrate how "Sage can't do the math" ?

Max Alekseyev gravatar imageMax Alekseyev ( 2022-02-15 20:53:46 +0100 )edit

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answered 2022-02-15 21:28:31 +0100

FrédéricC gravatar image

Here is the traceback

sage: UCF = UniversalCyclotomicField()
sage: R.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(UCF,order='lex')
sage: a=(E(3)*x+y)/(E(3)*x+y)
sage: a.reduce()
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
~/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/structure/category_object.pyx in sage.structure.category_object.CategoryObject.getattr_from_category (build/cythonized/sage/structure/category_object.c:7152)()
    838         try:
--> 839             return self.__cached_methods[name]
    840         except KeyError:

KeyError: '_PolynomialRing_singular_repr__singular'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
~/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/rings/polynomial/ in _singular_(self, singular)
    210         try:
--> 211             R = self.__singular
    212             if not (R.parent() is singular):

~/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/structure/category_object.pyx in sage.structure.category_object.CategoryObject.__getattr__ (build/cythonized/sage/structure/category_object.c:7071)()
    832         """
--> 833         return self.getattr_from_category(name)

~/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/structure/category_object.pyx in sage.structure.category_object.CategoryObject.getattr_from_category (build/cythonized/sage/structure/category_object.c:7237)()
--> 848             attr = getattr_from_other_class(self, cls, name)
    849             self.__cached_methods[name] = attr

~/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/cpython/getattr.pyx in sage.cpython.getattr.getattr_from_other_class (build/cythonized/sage/cpython/getattr.c:2630)()
    355 = name
--> 356         raise AttributeError(dummy_error_message)
    357     cdef PyObject* attr = instance_getattr(cls, name)

AttributeError: 'MPolynomialRing_polydict_domain_with_category' object has no attribute '_PolynomialRing_singular_repr__singular'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
~/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/rings/fraction_field_element.pyx in sage.rings.fraction_field_element.FractionFieldElement.reduce (build/cythonized/sage/rings/fraction_field_element.c:3823)()
    198             if not g.is_unit():
--> 199                 self.__numerator //= g
    200                 self.__denominator //= g

~/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/structure/element.pyx in sage.structure.element.Element.__floordiv__ (build/cythonized/sage/structure/element.c:13680)()
   1836         if HAVE_SAME_PARENT(cl):
-> 1837             return (<Element>left)._floordiv_(right)
   1838         if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):

~/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/structure/element.pyx in sage.structure.element.Element._floordiv_ (build/cythonized/sage/structure/element.c:13940)()
   1873         else:
-> 1874             return python_op(other)

~/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/rings/polynomial/ in _floordiv_(self, right)
-> 1617         Q, _ = self.quo_rem(right)
   1618         return Q

~/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/structure/element.pyx in sage.structure.element.coerce_binop.new_method (build/cythonized/sage/structure/element.c:28122)()
   4422         if have_same_parent(self, other):
-> 4423             return method(self, other, *args, **kwargs)
   4424         else:

~/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/rings/ in wrapper(*args, **kwds)
     95                    and isinstance(a.ring().base_ring(), AlgebraicField_common) for a in args):
---> 96             return func(*args, **kwds)

~/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/rings/polynomial/ in quo_rem(self, right)
   1986         try:
-> 1987             R._singular_().set_ring()
   1988         except TypeError:

~/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/rings/polynomial/ in _singular_(self, singular)
    225         except (AttributeError, ValueError):
--> 226             return self._singular_init_(singular)

~/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/rings/polynomial/ in _singular_init_(self, singular)
    242         if not can_convert_to_singular(self):
--> 243             raise TypeError("no conversion of this ring to a Singular ring defined")

TypeError: no conversion of this ring to a Singular ring defined

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

ArithmeticError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-8982e4e20a4a> in <module>
----> 1 a.reduce()

~/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/rings/fraction_field_element.pyx in sage.rings.fraction_field_element.FractionFieldElement.reduce (build/cythonized/sage/rings/fraction_field_element.c:4260)()
    162         return codomain.coerce(nnum/nden)
--> 164     cpdef reduce(self):
    165         """
    166         Reduce this fraction.

~/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/rings/fraction_field_element.pyx in sage.rings.fraction_field_element.FractionFieldElement.reduce (build/cythonized/sage/rings/fraction_field_element.c:3937)()
    203             raise ArithmeticError("unable to reduce because lack of gcd or quo_rem algorithm")
    204         except TypeError:
--> 205             raise ArithmeticError("unable to reduce because gcd algorithm doesn't work on input")
    206         except NotImplementedError:
    207             raise ArithmeticError("unable to reduce because gcd algorithm not implemented on input")

ArithmeticError: unable to reduce because gcd algorithm doesn't work on input
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Asked: 2022-02-15 04:47:11 +0100

Seen: 270 times

Last updated: Feb 15 '22