Challenges with subgroup elements
I'm running into apparent inconsistencies when studying subgroups of the unit group of a cyclotomic field.
k = CyclotomicField(7,'z')
U = k.unit_group()
z = k.gen()
a = 1+z
b = a^(-1)
T = U.subgroup([U(a)])
print(U(a) in U)
print(U(b) in U)
print(U(a) in T)
print(U(b) in T)
What I'm getting is:
which doesn't make sense. T is a subgroup, so if it contains a it must also contain a−1. The group U gets it right, but the subgroup T does not. I'm guessing this is some coercion issue, but I'm not sure why it's happening, if it's a bug, and how to work around it.
(Checked this on the Sage Cell Server and CoCalc with Sage 9.4)
Please try SageMath 9.5, as there was a fix in this area recently.
Implentation of subgroups of unit groups is known to be buggy. E.g., see along the same lines.
Wow. Thank you both. Yeah, ver 9.5 resolves this issue. Whew!