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How to program in Sagemath using the first root of an equation that needs to be entered in the coefficients of another equation to solve it

asked 2021-12-19 15:36:08 +0200

anonymous user


updated 2021-12-20 16:10:56 +0200

How to program in Sagemath using the first root of an equation that needs to be entered in the coefficients of another equation to solve it. Then, in a second iteration use the second root in the same way as the previous one, then in a third iteration use the third root in the same way as the previous roots, and so on, until all the roots of the first equation are used in the coefficients of the second equation. For example, the equation: -(4f^2 q + 5f^2 r - 4q^2 + 5fr - 3qr) = 0 has two roots, f_1 and f_2, where q and r are real numbers. and I want to solve the following another equation: -1/5(20f^2 hq + 20f^2 iq + 40fgq + 40fhq - 8fq^2 - 20hq^2 - 20iq^2 + 50fgr + 100fhr + 50fir - 4q^2 + 25gr + 25hr - 50qr - 25r^2) = 0 which is linearly dependent on variables g, h and i. But, it will give us one root g_1(h, i) if we enter f_1 in this 2nd equation, or g_2(h, i) if we enter f_2 in it. And although the process continues with other equations, let's leave it here for now.

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Can you give a concrete example using math notation please? In code I guess you'll want a tower of (number) field extensions.

rburing gravatar imagerburing ( 2021-12-19 17:53:49 +0200 )edit

Thanks, I hope this addition helps.

jafrancor gravatar imagejafrancor ( 2021-12-20 16:14:23 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2021-12-21 11:12:19 +0200

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar image

updated 2021-12-21 14:25:11 +0200

Alternative :let's be lazy and let Sage solve it for you. Let :

var('f, q, r, h, i, g')
e1 = -(4*f^2*q + 5*f^2*r - 4*q^2 + 5*f*r - 3*q*r) == 0
e2 = -1/5*(20*f^2*h*q + 20*f^2*i*q + 40*f*g*q + 40*f*h*q - 8*f*q^2 -
           20*h*q^2 - 20*i*q^2 + 50*f*g*r + 100*f*h*r + 50*f*i*r - 4*q^2 +
           25*g*r + 25*h*r - 50*q*r - 25*r^2) == 0

Then :

sage: solve([e1, e2], [f, g], solution_dict=True)
[{f: -1/2*(5*r + sqrt(64*q^3 + 128*q^2*r + 5*(12*q + 5)*r^2))/(4*q + 5*r),
  g: -1/5*(5120*h*q^5 - 1024*q^6 + 625*(12*(2*h + i)*q + 10*h + 5*i)*r^4 + 50*(10*(94*h + 38*i - 1)*q^2 - 24*q^3 + 25*(5*h + i)*q)*r^3 + 80*(5*(132*h + 36*i - 1)*q^3 - 44*q^4 + 25*h*q^2)*r^2 + 128*(5*(41*h + 5*i)*q^4 - 26*q^5)*r + (80*(2*h + 2*i + 11)*q^3*r + 64*q^4 + 125*(5*h + 5*i + 18*q)*r^3 + 625*r^4 + 50*(4*(h + i + 12)*q^2 + 5*(h + i)*q)*r^2)*sqrt(64*q^3 + 128*q^2*r + 5*(12*q + 5)*r^2))/(1024*q^5 + 4608*q^4*r + 125*(12*q + 5)*r^4 + 200*(28*q^2 + 5*q)*r^3 + 80*(96*q^3 + 5*q^2)*r^2)},
 {f: -1/2*(5*r - sqrt(64*q^3 + 128*q^2*r + 5*(12*q + 5)*r^2))/(4*q + 5*r),
  g: -1/5*(5120*h*q^5 - 1024*q^6 + 625*(12*(2*h + i)*q + 10*h + 5*i)*r^4 + 50*(10*(94*h + 38*i - 1)*q^2 - 24*q^3 + 25*(5*h + i)*q)*r^3 + 80*(5*(132*h + 36*i - 1)*q^3 - 44*q^4 + 25*h*q^2)*r^2 + 128*(5*(41*h + 5*i)*q^4 - 26*q^5)*r - (80*(2*h + 2*i + 11)*q^3*r + 64*q^4 + 125*(5*h + 5*i + 18*q)*r^3 + 625*r^4 + 50*(4*(h + i + 12)*q^2 + 5*(h + i)*q)*r^2)*sqrt(64*q^3 + 128*q^2*r + 5*(12*q + 5)*r^2))/(1024*q^5 + 4608*q^4*r + 125*(12*q + 5)*r^4 + 200*(28*q^2 + 5*q)*r^3 + 80*(96*q^3 + 5*q^2)*r^2)}]
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answered 2021-12-20 20:37:58 +0200

Max Alekseyev gravatar image

I'm not completely sure what you ask for, but here is my best guess:

f,q,r,h,i,g = var('f q r h i g')
for t in solve( 4 * f^2* q + 5 * f^2 * r - 4 * q^2 + 5*f*r - 3*q*r == 0, f ):
    eq = (-1/5*(20*f^2*h*q + 20*f^2*i*q + 40*f*g*q + 40*f*h*q - 8*f*q^2 - 20*h*q^2 - 20*i*q^2 + 50*f*g*r + 100*f*h*r + 50*f*i*r - 4*q^2 + 25*g*r + 25*h*r - 50*q*r - 25*r^2)).subs({f:t.rhs()})
    print( solve(eq==0, g) )

Does it answer your question?

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To expand a bit on Max's answer, you might be looking at :

var('f, q, r, h, i, g')
e1 = -(4*f^2*q + 5*f^2*r - 4*q^2 + 5*f*r - 3*q*r) == 0
e2 = -1/5*(20*f^2*h*q + 20*f^2*i*q + 40*f*g*q + 40*f*h*q - 8*f*q^2 -
           20*h*q^2 - 20*i*q^2 + 50*f*g*r + 100*f*h*r + 50*f*i*r - 4*q^2 +
           25*g*r + 25*h*r - 50*q*r - 25*r^2) == 0
Sol = flatten([[u|v
                 for v in e2.subs(u).solve(g, algorithm="sympy",
                for u in e1.solve(f, algorithm="sympy", solution_dict=True)])
Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar imageEmmanuel Charpentier ( 2021-12-21 10:46:26 +0200 )edit

For now Thanks a lot. I think that I will use both. I'll try first that of Max and secondly that of Emmanuel.

jafrancor gravatar imagejafrancor ( 2021-12-21 22:51:46 +0200 )edit

answered 2021-12-24 02:07:32 +0200

jafrancor gravatar image

updated 2021-12-24 12:32:24 +0200

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar image

How can I enter the previous obtained value of f in the e3 to know the h?

f,q,r,h,i,g = var('f q r h i g')
e1 = 4 * f^2* q + 5 * f^2 * r - 4 * q^2 + 5*f*r - 3*q*r
e2 = -1/5*(20*f^2*h*q + 20*f^2*i*q + 40*f*g*q + 40*f*h*q - 8*f*q^2 - 20*h*q^2 - 20*i*q^2 + 50*f*g*r + 100*f*h*r + 50*f*i*r - 4*q^2 + 25*g*r + 25*h*r - 50*q*r - 25*r^2)
e3 = - 1/5*(40*f*g*h*q + 40*f*h^2*q +  40*f*g*i*q + 40*f*h*i*q + 25*f*h^2*r + 50*f*h*i*r + 25*f*i^2*r + 20*g^2*q + 40*g*h*q + 20*h^2*q - 8*g*q^2  - 16*h*q^2  - 8*i*q^2  + 25*g^2*r + 100*g*h*r + 75*h^2*r + 50*g*i*r + 50*h*i*r - 5*f*q*r - 50*h*q*r - 50*i*q*r - 25*r^2)

for u in solve( e2 == 0, g ):
    eq3 = (e3).subs({g:u.rhs()})

print( solve(eq3==0, h) )

Similarly, in a fourth equation e4, how can I enter the previous obtained values of f and g in order to know i?

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This question (in my answer) is also valid for Emmanuel

jafrancor gravatar imagejafrancor ( 2021-12-24 02:14:35 +0200 )edit

Use eq3 = e3.subs( { f:t.rsh(), g:u.rhs() } ) or alike.

Max Alekseyev gravatar imageMax Alekseyev ( 2021-12-24 04:11:42 +0200 )edit

The extended problem can be solved as follows :

sage: S1 = flatten(e1.solve(f, solution_dict=True))
sage: S12=flatten([[u|v for v in e2.subs(u).solve(g, solution_dict=True)] for u in S1])
sage: S123=flatten([[u|v for v in e3.subs(u).solve(i, solution_dict=True)] for u in S12])

The scheme should be pretty clear by now...

Look up the subs documentation. Using solution_dict=True} hejps getting clearer (= easier to read) solutions.

Unfortunately, SS=solve([e1, e2, e3], [f, g, i], solution_dict=True), which is a general solution, is extremely slow (> 30 m). The stepwise substitution you use limits the space of solutions Sage has to explore...

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar imageEmmanuel Charpentier ( 2021-12-24 12:32:13 +0200 )edit

Yes, unfortunately the general solution requires too much memory. I have been using letters substituting long constant expressions in order to avoid slowing Sage. I will study and try the use of the command subs as you indicated. Thanks a lot you all for your quick responses..

jafrancor gravatar imagejafrancor ( 2021-12-24 14:06:54 +0200 )edit

Depending on your goal, it may be worth to work directly with the ideal generated by your polynomial equations rather than to compute their zeros.

Max Alekseyev gravatar imageMax Alekseyev ( 2021-12-24 17:19:33 +0200 )edit

Fortunately, by using a concrete example I achieved for q=2 and r=1 the solution of "solve([e1, e2, e3, e4], [f, g, h, i], solution_dict=True)" in 4 paths

[{f: 1.122716894977169 , g: 0, h: 1.015873682442363 , i: -0.8931094019777115},

{f: -1.507332402234637, g: 0, h: -0.7220461747397012, i: 1.197675274038108},

{f: 1.122716894977169 , g: 0, h: 0.9907254057634979, i: -0.7060672744419993},

{f: -1.507332402234637, g: 0, h: 11.10794979079498 , i: -41.99448123620309}]

Now, I need to program entering the obtained values of the four variables (a "list of lists") in the coefficients of a new 4th degree equation e5 that depends only on one new variable "d". And later, append d1, d2, d3 and d4 to each one of lists, to have finally 4x4=16 lists of 5 values. Happy new year 2022!

jafrancor gravatar imagejafrancor ( 2022-01-01 19:21:25 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2021-12-19 15:36:08 +0200

Seen: 336 times

Last updated: Dec 24 '21