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How do I do map/element-wise operations?

asked 2021-12-18 15:15:14 +0100

apromixately gravatar image

I am looking for a way to apply a function to every element of a vector or matrix.

v = vector([2, 0, -3])
w = sign(v)
print(w) # I want (1, 0, -1)

m = matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
m = m**2
print(m) # I want [1, 4] [9, 16]

How does this work?

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answered 2021-12-18 22:32:41 +0100

tmonteil gravatar image

You can use the apply_map method :

sage: v.apply_map(sign)
(1, 0, -1)

sage: m.apply_map(lambda x : x^2)
[ 1  4]
[ 9 16]
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Asked: 2021-12-18 15:15:14 +0100

Seen: 336 times

Last updated: Dec 18 '21