solve with 2 unknows types
I would like SageMath will give me the solution [x_00=0,x_10=-2,x_20=0]
is there a way to do that with 9.2 or should I wait for 9.3 ?
uV=var('x_00, x_10, x_20',domain='integer')
#xyzV=var('x,y, z', domain='real')
xyzV=var('x,y, z', domain='complex')
solve(x^2*x_00 + x*x_10*y + x_20*y^2 == -2*x*y,[x_00 , x_10 , x_20])
solve(x^2*x_00 + x*x_10*y + x_20*y^2 == -2*x*y,[x_00 , x_10 , x_20])
I put the code delimiter on the first code ,it is displayed ok but when I click on save the code is displayed as text !
You can not start with a displayed block, you have to add an introduction sentence.
ok , I just corrected it