Consider the class of all possible connected simple graphs on n vertices
Consider the class of all possible connected simple graphs on n vertices (n is any natural number, we can choose any natural number). Now from this collection, can we find those graphs (if there exists any) satisfying the following property: Suppose that A denotes the usual (0,1) adjacency matrix of a graph. Now can we find those graphs explicitly (if there is any) on n vertices such that if λ is an eigenvalue of A, then 1λ is also an eigenvalue and if α is another eigenvalue (distinct from λ), then −1α is an eigenvalue. Basically eigenvalues of A are of the form (λ,1λ) and (α,−1α).
Basically I am trying to find the graphs for which some roots of the form (λ,1λ), and some roots of the form (α,−1α).
please help regarding this problem
This seems very related to Ask Sage question 54878.
The condition is now relaxed from "for any eigenvalue, both its inverse and the opposite of its inverse are also eigenvalues" to "for any eigenvalue, either its inverse or the opposite of its inverse is also an eigenvalue". Is that right?