Quotients in CombinatorialFreeModule
The program
sage: T = CombinatorialFreeModule(ZZ, 'x')
sage: Q = T.quotient_module([2*T.monomial('x')])
sage: Q
Free module generated by {} over Integer Ring
says that Q is a trivial Z-module, which does not make sense.
If CombinatorialFreeModule handle only quotients over Q, then it should not return a Z-module when quotienting over Z...
Am i missing something here ? The documentation on CombinatorialFreeModule is incomplete, and using FreeModule would make a lot of my previous programs useless.
is for free modules only.Well, free structures exist mainly through their quotients, they get their universality (and legitimacy) because they have something to lift ;) Unfortunately, i also encountered similar problems with free algebras :(
Thanks for the answears.
This is infortunate indeed. My question seems stupid now because FrédéricC answear clearly explains why it does not work, but i still think Sage should give a warning/error message when doing this kind of quotients, as i lost some time understanding why my computations were wrong.