Linear programming displaying Latex formated equations
The following works fine:
A = ([1,0], [0, -1], [6,10], [-6,-10])
B = (18, -12,70, -70)
C = (-4.10, -8)
P = InteractiveLPProblem(A, B, C, ["x_1", "x_2"], variable_type=">=")
But when I run:
SageMath says that the original problem is infeasible and should stop there. But some LaTeX formatted equations appear after. This could be troublesome for student so I would be glad to know how to stop displaying anything after the diagnosis of infeasibility. Is this possible? My students need to be confronted to infeasibility.
slelievre I am sorry I know how to do but I cannot arrive to correct this bug from my computer. I have tried many time (today again) but I cannot arrive to fix this problem). No one of your suggestion works.
Incidentaly I have the same problem with an other program which gives the solution (which exists) but display some step as Latex formated equations.
I was just giving hints on how to format questions in Ask Sage.
I have now edited your question myself to fix the formatting.
I cannot reproduce. Here is what I get:
Do you use any extra optional package?