Consider the following code:
def simplify_dirac_delta(linear_combination, t):
Simplify a ``linear combination`` of the form
a_0(t) + a_1(t)*d_1(t) + a_2(t)*d_2(t) + ... + a_n(t)*d_n(t)
where each a_i(t) is a symbolic expression depending
on the symbolic variable ``t`` and each d_i(t) is
either dirac_delta(t) or diff(dirac_delta(t), t).
Simplification is done by applying the following
substitution rules:
(Rule 1) f(t) * diff(dirac_delta(t), t)
--> diff(f(t), t) * dirac_delta(t)
(Rule 2) f(t) * dirac_delta(t)
--> f(0) * dirac_delta(t)
# Write the linear combination in the form
# c_0(t) + c_1(t) * diff(dirac_delta(t),t)
# and apply Rule 1
expression = linear_combination.collect(diff(dirac_delta(t),t))
expr = expression.subs({diff(dirac_delta(t),t): dd})
c_0 = expr.coefficient(dd,0)
c_1 = expr.coefficient(dd,1)
dc_1 = diff(c_1,t)
expression = c_0 + dc_1*dirac_delta(t)
# Write now the resulting linear combination in the form
# c_0(t) + c_1(t) * dirac_delta(t),t)
# and apply Rule 2
expression = expression.collect(dirac_delta(t))
expr = expression.subs({dirac_delta(t): dd})
c_0 = expr.coefficient(dd,0)
c_1 = expr.coefficient(dd,1)
return c_0 + c_1.subs({t:0})*dirac_delta(t)
The docstring and comments explain quite explicitly what simplify_dirac_delta
does. Let us test this function. To this end, let us consider
The simplification rules transform this expression into
Now we apply simplify_dirac_delta
sage: DD = dirac_delta(x)
sage: dDD = diff(dirac_delta(x),x)
sage: expr = cos(x)*DD + exp(2*x)*dDD + 3*sin(4*x)*dDD + 9*exp(3*x)
sage: simplify_dirac_delta(expr,x)
15*dirac_delta(x) + 9*e^(3*x)
We get the expected result. Now, let us consider your example:
sage: var('x,k')
(x, k)
sage: G = heaviside(x)*sin(k*x)/k
sage: expr = simplify(k**2*G + diff(G, x, x)); expr
2*cos(k*x)*dirac_delta(x) + sin(k*x)*diff(dirac_delta(x), x)/k
sage: simplify_dirac_delta(expr,x)
Once again we obtain the expected result.
The above code and the examples can be run in this SageMath Cell
just out of curiosity: can someone tell me what it means to use this
%var x, k
syntax instead of var('x,k') ?Ah, sorry, that is a feature of (Sage worksheets) on CoCalc. It is the same thing. I will remove it.