Definition of symbolic functions on path algebra
I tried to define a symbolic function on path algbera like that:
G = DiGraph({1:{2:['a']}, 2:{3:['b']}})
P = G.path_semigroup()
A = P.algebra(GF(7))
def ev(self, x): return 2*x
foo = function("foo", nargs=1, eval_func=ev)
But I get an error: TypeError: cannot coerce arguments: no canonical coercion from Path algebra of Multi-digraph on 3 vertices over Finite Field of size 7 to Symbolic Ring. My question how can I define a symbolic function to accept path algebra variables?
What do you actually want to achieve? Symbolic functions are probably not the answer.
Thanks, I want to create derivations on path algebras.
It seems SageMath only has an implementation for derivations over commutative rings. I guess you could do something yourself though. Which derivations do you want to create, and what do you want to do with them?
Do you have any idea from where I can start? I want a linear map "d" that gives d(xy) = d(x)y+xd(y).where x,y in PathAlgebra.
Do I understand correctly that you want a "generic" derivation $d$, not any particular one? (A particular one would be easier.) I'm not an expert on path algebras, but: for an element
, you can get its terms by doinglist(a)
(that takes care of linearity), and you should manipulate the QuiverPaths somehow to get the "factors", to implement the product rule.thank you.