Isogeny from Two Curves
Hi, I was wondering given two curves $E_1,E_2$ $\ell$-isogeneous where $\ell$ is some prime. Do we have anything in Sage that help us compute its itermediate isogeny?
Hi, I was wondering given two curves $E_1,E_2$ $\ell$-isogeneous where $\ell$ is some prime. Do we have anything in Sage that help us compute its itermediate isogeny?
E1.isogeny(E2, ell)
works if the isogeny between E1 and E2 is a Vélu isogeny, but there is nothing for the general case.
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Asked: 2020-02-16 17:52:13 +0100
Seen: 275 times
Last updated: Nov 03 '21
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Also asked on Math.StackExchange.