Halving Point on curve25519
Hi there,
Is there any ways in sagemath to half a point in curve25519? I found that mod inverse of 2 are not defined in this curve.
Thanks before
Hi there,
Is there any ways in sagemath to half a point in curve25519? I found that mod inverse of 2 are not defined in this curve.
Thanks before
If E is your elliptic curve and P is a point on E then P.division_points(2) returns a list of solutions Q to 2*Q=P.
Wikipedia provides the following information on the curve:
So we can initialize it - with some related ingredients - in sage as follows:
p = 2^255 - 19
F = GF(p)
E = EllipticCurve( F, [0, 486662, 0, 1, 0] )
q = 2^252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493
ord = 8 * q
G = E.lift_x(9) # generator of a subgroup of E(F) of order q
Note that the order of "the curve" is 8q=|E(F)|, an even number. So it is not always possible to build Q=12P for some P∈E(F), but we can do this after adjoining √2, since
sage: F(2).is_square()
and the extension F[√2] is ≅Fp2.
But in practice, for cryptographic reasons, a subgroup of index 8 (i.e. of order q) is used only. This group is generated by a point of the shape (9,?), and sage gives a lift_x
point for the value 9 as above. We can check that G has this (prime) order:
sage: G
(9 : 43114425171068552920764898935933967039370386198203806730763910166200978582548 : 1)
sage: q*G
(0 : 1 : 0)
sage: q.is_prime()
The question is now, if i transpose it correctly, the following one:
Fix some n, and construct P=nG. Submit now P, so the information on n is lost. How can we get one point Q such that 2Q=P?
The answer is simple, we just invert 2 modulo q. This is in a quick experiment:
sage: half_mod_q = ZZ( (q+1)/2 )
sage: half_mod_q
sage: n = 2020 # my secret n
sage: P = n*G
sage: P
(20456558607578987432334349036785445183540679505228589881934565555120204340945 :
33436819791958610943855936500332845106265211955865934902600537963312721779170 :
sage: Q = half_mod_q * P
sage: Q
(37018768415917781021250140199383617818364544364725057743698692568223983613701 :
18895822023094723102686898411321685453553895391224520755056144094371343510515 :
sage: 2*Q == P
(Code was manually adjusted.)
Asked: 5 years ago
Seen: 899 times
Last updated: Jun 15 '20