If you use arara, known as "The cool TeX-automatisation Tool", written by @PauloCereda, you can set compilation instructions into your tex-document, i.e.
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: biber
and then only one run arara example.tex
is needed.
In TeXLive arara is installed by default. You can also integrate arara into your TeX editor.
There is no arara-rule for Sage in the main set of arara-rules, but it has been written:
See the original post arara: sage - A Sage(math)-rule for arara
It is sagetex.yaml
, which works for Windows-users and for Linux-users:
# SageTeX-Rule for arara.
# Dear Windows-users, please check the paths
# pathToBashExecutive and pathToSageStartfile
# due to your Sage-installation!
identifier: sagetex
name: SageTeX
- TeXnician (Author)
- cis (Idea)
arguments: []
- name: A SageTeX Rule for arara
command: >
pathToBashExecutive = "C:\\Programme\\SageMath8.9\\runtime\\bin\\bash";
pathToSageStartfile = "C:/Programme/SageMath8.9/runtime/opt/sagemath-8.9/sage";
pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder = currentFile().getParent();
theWindowsCommand = getCommand(pathToBashExecutive, "-l", pathToSageStartfile, "-c", "os.chdir('" + pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder + "'); load('" + getBasename(currentFile()) + ".sagetex.sage')");
return isWindows(theWindowsCommand, getCommand("sage", getBasename(file) + ".sagetex.sage"));
Let's test an example.tex
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: sagetex
% arara: pdflatex