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Questions about Lie algebra

asked 5 years ago

slartibartfast gravatar image

I am trying to do some calculations and I don't understand what the output is.

L = lie_algebras.sp(QQ, 4)


The output is the following

(E[alpha[1]], E[alpha[2]], E[-alpha[1]], E[-alpha[2]], h1, h2)
  1. I know that the command L.gens() gives a set of genearators of the Lie algebra. So I understand that this is giving us an element from eαLα for each αΔ and the corresponding elements hαH, (where Δ is a base of the root system and H is a Cartan Subalgebra). But I don't understand what these elements exactly are. Are these elements of a Chevalley basis?

  2. Let's say I want to figure out α1(h1). So I thought maybe alpha1(h1) will give me the answer. But I am getting an error. I also tried L.alpha[1](h1) which results in an error as well. How can I fix this?

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answered 5 years ago

heluani gravatar image

1) Yes,

sage: L = lie_algebras.sp(QQ,4)
sage: L
Lie algebra of ['C', 2] in the Chevalley basis

If you want a basis try L.basis()

2) you can get this directly from the Cartan Matrix which by definition will get you 2 since h(1)=alphacheck[1] is the coroot associated to alpha[1]. In this particular case you could try

sage: L = lie_algebras.sp(QQ,4, representation='matrix')
sage: L.simple_root(1,L.h(1))
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Thanks for the answer. I have one further question, when you are writing L.h(1) what does it mean? Is this some generic element? In general, what does it mean if we write L.h(i) for some integer i.

slartibartfast gravatar imageslartibartfast ( 5 years ago )

L.h(i) is the element h_i in the Cartan subalgebra for a simple root alpha_i. Take a look in

heluani gravatar imageheluani ( 5 years ago )

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Asked: 5 years ago

Seen: 371 times

Last updated: Sep 30 '19