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error for (3*e+2*I)*(-3+pi*I)

asked 2019-09-02 19:07:52 +0100

anonymous user


updated 2019-09-02 19:10:01 +0100

tmonteil gravatar image

so, I have to type in the problem (3e+2i)(−3+πi)...I enter in (3*e+2*I)*(-3+pi*I) on SageMath but come up with the answer, -30.74772176 + 19.61920267* I dumb or is the correct answer?

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Is it homework ?

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 2019-09-02 19:11:47 +0100 )edit

Is it possible you redefined e and pi? Because if you did something like e = 2.718281828; pi = 3.141592654 before computing the result, because then yes you'll get a numerical answer (and it would be a silly thing to do because e and pi are already built into Sage and can be given to high precision (e.g. pi.n(digits=100) => 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117068)`

Iguananaut gravatar imageIguananaut ( 2019-09-04 16:20:05 +0100 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2019-09-02 19:21:56 +0100

Emmanuel Charpentier gravatar image

Works For Me (TM):

sage: (3*e+2*I)*(-3+pi*I)
(I*pi - 3)*(3*e + 2*I)
sage: ((3*e+2*I)*(-3+pi*I)).n()
-30.7477217633110 + 19.6192026680207*I

What are you using (Sage version, interface, etc..) ?

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just SageMath?

ariaaaaaaaa gravatar imageariaaaaaaaa ( 2019-09-02 19:23:29 +0100 )edit

As you might notice, it is not the command that was entered.

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 2019-09-02 20:02:47 +0100 )edit

so is -30.7477217633110 + 19.6192026680207I , the correct answer? Because I don't think there is another way to type (3e+2I)(-3+pi*I)

ariaaaaaaaa gravatar imageariaaaaaaaa ( 2019-09-02 20:23:17 +0100 )edit

What do you mean by "the correct answer" ? Is it homework ? What are you trying to understand ?

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 2019-09-02 21:02:53 +0100 )edit

I think ariaaaaaaaa is a troll !

ortollj gravatar imageortollj ( 2019-09-02 21:21:45 +0100 )edit

answered 2019-09-02 19:11:22 +0100

tmonteil gravatar image

updated 2019-09-02 19:11:41 +0100

If you enter

sage: (3*e+2*I)*(-3+pi*I)

Sage will return:

(I*pi - 3)*(3*e + 2*I)

What did you type to get the answer -30.74772176 + 19.61920267*I ?

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I entered (3e+2I)(-3+piI) and somehow got that answer

ariaaaaaaaa gravatar imageariaaaaaaaa ( 2019-09-02 19:15:39 +0100 )edit

This is not possible.

tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 2019-09-02 21:03:24 +0100 )edit

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Asked: 2019-09-02 19:07:52 +0100

Seen: 811 times

Last updated: Sep 02 '19