Directory problems
Hi everybody. I would like to create some kind of structure(packages) in sage. Let's say I have the following directory structure:
- Main_Dir which contains:
- subdirectories [Dir_A, Dir_B, ...,Test ]
- Dir_A contains some sage files/classes
- file1.sage, file2.sage. In file1.sage I have load('file2.sage')
- My Test directory is the place where I would like to test all the functions I have created. It contains some test files
- test1.sage, test2.sage, ...., assemble_all.sage.
- In test1.sage I have the line load('../Dir_A/file1.sage').
- test1.sage, test2.sage, ...., assemble_all.sage.
- Dir_A contains some sage files/classes
- subdirectories [Dir_A, Dir_B, ...,Test ]
And here I got the following error: raise IOError('did not find file %r to load or attach' % filename) IOError: did not find file './file2.sage' to load or attach
I hope somebody has an answer to this kind of problems.