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Solving trigonometric equations in interval.

asked 2019-03-07 13:46:35 +0200

Martin Mårtensson gravatar image

Hi I have a question. I am trying to find the values between a given inteval for a trigonometric equation ex.

sin(x) == 0.8, (0>x>2*pi)

If I solve the function like this

f = sin(x)

Then i only recieve the result for the first time f == 0.8. I found out that there are ways to get all the values for f== 0.8 if i type some command like



y = var('y')


 solve(sin(x)==0.8, x, to_poly_solve = 'force')

But all these methods give me only some crazy outputs which i don't understand - and far out of the interval than i want.

I found out that I can move the function down and find the roots if i type

first = find_roots(0.8-f,0,1)
second = find_roots(0.8-f,0,2*pi)

And then i will get the result for the value of x when f == 0.8

But it seems like a pretty big work around just to get this result, and when i am working with bigger equations, then i will have to plot them first to find out which xmin and xmax values i should put in the "find_root" feature.

Are there an easier way to get the results or a tutorial or something how to make it simpler? Maybe i can define my own command somehow?

Thank you in advance.

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1 Answer

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answered 2019-03-08 01:34:02 +0200

Juanjo gravatar image

Root finding is a difficult subject. In general, you cannot expect an algorithm to yield all the solutions of a given equation $f(x)=0$. It is required some prior knowledge and analysis of the equation.

The solve function tries to obtain exact solutions, if any. For the equation you propose, that is, $\sin x=0.8$, you have already tested


which yields $x=\arcsin(4/5)$ and misses the other solution in $[0,2\pi]$, which is $x=\pi-\arcsin(4/5)$. You have also tried

solve(sin(x)==0.8, x, to_poly_solve = 'force')

and got something like

[x == pi + 2*pi*z103 - arctan(3602879701896397/7301667457314599911469129704407*sqrt(7301667457314599911469129704407)),
 x == 2*pi*z105 + arctan(3602879701896397/7301667457314599911469129704407*sqrt(7301667457314599911469129704407))]

Here, z103 and z105 represent integer constants. Every time you evaluate such a function, you get different numbers after z. In a more mathematical notation, Sage proposes the solutions $$x=-\arctan\Bigl(\frac{a\sqrt{b}}{b}\Bigr)+\pi(2z_{103}+1)\quad\text{and}\quad x=\arctan\Bigl(\frac{a\sqrt{b}}{b}\Bigr)+2\pi z_{105},$$ where $$a=3602879701896397 \quad\text{and}\quad b=7301667457314599911469129704407.$$ Please, note that we have now an infinite number of solutions. If z103 and z105 are replaced by given integers, we get specific solutions. For example,

sol = solve(sin(x)==0.8, x, to_poly_solve = 'force')
print "First solution:", sol[0].rhs().subs(z103=0).n()
print "Second solution:",sol[1].rhs().subs(z105=0).n()


First solution: 2.21429743558818
Second solution: 0.927295218001612

assuming, of course, that z103 and z105 still were the constants appearing in sol. These are the expected roots (up to an error of order $10^{-16}$) in $[0,2\pi]$, since

sage: print N(arcsin(4/5)), N(pi-arcsin(4/5))
0.927295218001612 2.21429743558818

The find_root function applies a numerical algorithm, essentially Brent's method. So each call to find_root will yield, if any, just one approximated root of the equation. Hence, to find all the zeros of a function, you need to know in advance how many they are and where they live and then use find_root as many times as needed, changing the corresponding intervals.

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Just to complement my answer, you can also try the solve function given by Sympy, which provides both roots in $[0,2\pi]$:

sage: import sympy as sp
sage: sp.solve(sin(x)==0.8,x)
[0.927295218001612, 2.21429743558818]
Juanjo gravatar imageJuanjo ( 2019-03-08 02:34:51 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2019-03-07 13:46:35 +0200

Seen: 1,245 times

Last updated: Mar 08 '19