Why does sage killes a process with < /usr/share/sagemath/bin/sage-python: line 2: 10404 Killed sage -python "$@"> message

asked 2018-11-16 11:31:53 +0200

TikaramGiri gravatar image

I am running bkz2.0 with block size 25 in a 8GB primary memory and 2 GB swap memory machine but after running for some time my process gets killed with the above message in the cmd. Can anyone please help to find my questions ans I tried to find in net as well as in the documentation of the sage but nowhere it available. My computers config is intel i5 4th gen 3.2ghz 64 bit running SageMath version 8.1, Release Date: 2017-12-07

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Could you please give us some informations so that someone can try to reproduce and understand your problem:

  • which Sage code lead to the problem ?

Regarding your installation:

  • which OS ?
  • did you install Sage from the binaries, and which ones ?
  • did you compile Sage yourself ?
  • which notebook did you use (Sage notebook or jupyter notebook) ?
  • did you use the command line ?
tmonteil gravatar imagetmonteil ( 2018-11-16 11:53:14 +0200 )edit