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Install optional packages (eg extra Jupyter kernels) on top of conda-installed SageMath

asked 6 years ago

slelievre gravatar image

Suppose one has installed SageMath using the conda package.

How does one then install optional packages? It seems sage -i is not active there.

For example, what would be the replacement for

$ sage -i gap_jupyter         # install Jupyter kernel for GAP 4.8
$ sage -i pari_jupyter        # install Jupyter kernel for PARI/GP
$ sage -i r_jupyter           # install Jupyter kernel for R
$ sage -i singular_jupyter    # install Jupyter kernel for Singular

if one is using a conda-installed Jupyter and SageMath?

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2 Answers

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answered 6 years ago

isuruf gravatar image

For the R kernel, you can do conda install r-irkernel -c conda-forge

For the others, we'd like to have conda packages. Let me know if you are interested in supporting them.

Pari kernel can be installed using pip. You can do CPATH=$CONDA_PREFIX/include pip install pari_jupyter Singular kernel can be installed using pip. You can do CPATH=$CONDA_PREFIX/include pip install PySingular jupyter-kernel-singular

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They are all available in conda-forge now.

$ conda install gap -c conda-forge

$ conda install pari_jupyter -c conda-forge

$ conda install r-irkernel -c conda-forge

$ conda install jupyter-kernel-singular -c conda-forge

isuruf gravatar imageisuruf ( 5 years ago )

What about smaller packages such as plantri?

SimonM gravatar imageSimonM ( 5 years ago )

answered 6 years ago

nbruin gravatar image

If you install SageMath using conda, does it end up as part of a "conda" python? In that case, I would think you can just revert to the usual jupyter way of installing kernels. For Gap you'd end up following the instructions at and for the other kernels there will be similar documentation (in most cases there will be some "pip install" procedure). You should make sure that you're calling the right python, of course.

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Asked: 6 years ago

Seen: 1,023 times

Last updated: Oct 15 '18