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Scalar Multiplication over extension field

asked 2018-09-06 17:16:19 +0100

santoshi gravatar image

updated 2018-09-10 00:26:23 +0100

slelievre gravatar image

I want to perform scalar multiplication but when i will take some random point and order of that point as scalar it gives me error.

import time
import sys
from sage.all import *
p = (2^113); p

F1.<x, y> = GF(2)[]

F.<a> = GF(2^113, 'a', modulus=x^113+x^9+1); F.modulus(); F
A = F.fetch_int(0x003088250CA6E7C7FE649CE85820F7); A
B = F.fetch_int(0x00E8BEE4D3E2260744188BE0E9C723); B

E = EllipticCurve(F, (1, A, 0, 0, B)); E
G = E.random_point()
n = E.order()
K = randint(1, n - 1)
R = K*G
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Did you mean n = G.order() instead of n = E.order()?

slelievre gravatar imageslelievre ( 2018-09-11 09:17:26 +0100 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2018-09-06 23:02:30 +0100

dan_fulea gravatar image

updated 2018-09-06 23:04:16 +0100

Let us consider only the needed lines of code, so we introduce

  • the polynomial ring R$=\Bbb F_2[x]$ in the indeterminate $x$,
  • then the field $F=\Bbb F_2(a)=\Bbb F_2[x]/(x^{113}+x^9+1)$,
  • then some very special elliptic curve $E$ over $F$.

It is well known that computing the order of an elliptic curve over some large field is time consuming. So the line computing the order


takes too much time. (Please state the question clearly next time. It is also a good practice to introduce only variables and imports that matter for the issue. Providing "clean code" is a big help for potential helpers.)

R.<x> = GF(2)[]

F.<a> = GF(2^113, modulus=x^113+x^9+1)
A = F.fetch_int( 0x003088250CA6E7C7FE649CE85820F7 )
B = F.fetch_int( 0x00E8BEE4D3E2260744188BE0E9C723 )

E = EllipticCurve(F, (1,A,0,0,B))
G = E.random_point()
# n = E.order()    # takes a looong time...

(Note: The question should be part of the text, not part of the title (only).)

The problem with the "scalar multiplication" does not exist. Of course, we do not have the n, and also do not need it for the scalar multiplication issue. Instead, let us take for K some random integer from $1$ to $2^{113}$.

# K = randint(1,n-1)    # we do not have n...
K = randint( 1, 2^113 )
print K
print G
print K*G

And this time i've got a mess of the shape:

(a^112 + a^111 + a^110 + a^108 + a^105 + a^98 + a^96 + a^94 + a^92 + a^91 + a^89 + a^88 + a^86 + a^85 + a^83 + a^80 + a^79 + a^77 + a^74 + a^72 + a^71 + a^69 + a^68 + a^67 + a^66 + a^65 + a^60 + a^58 + a^57 + a^55 + a^54 + a^53 + a^52 + a^51 + a^50 + a^48 + a^46 + a^45 + a^44 + a^41 + a^40 + a^39 + a^38 + a^37 + a^35 + a^34 + a^33 + a^28 + a^27 + a^26 + a^25 + a^23 + a^22 + a^18 + a^17 + a^16 + a^12 + a^11 + a^10 + a^8 + a^6 + a^2 + a : a^112 + a^110 + a^107 + a^106 + a^104 + a^102 + a^101 + a^100 + a^96 + a^93 + a^92 + a^91 + a^86 + a^84 + a^83 + a^81 + a^79 + a^78 + a^76 + a^75 + a^74 + a^73 + a^72 + a^67 + a^65 + a^64 + a^54 + a^52 + a^51 + a^47 + a^46 + a^44 + a^43 + a^42 + a^38 + a^36 + a^33 + a^32 + a^28 + a^27 + a^23 + a^22 + a^21 + a^17 + a^13 + a^12 + a^11 + a^10 + a^9 + a^8 + a^7 + a^6 + a^5 + a^4 + a^2 + a + 1 : 1)
(a^112 + a^110 + a^109 + a^108 + a^104 + a^101 + a^98 + a^96 + a^95 + a^93 + a^92 + a^91 + a^89 + a^84 + a^82 + a^80 + a^73 + a^69 + a^67 + a^63 + a^61 + a^58 + a^54 + a^53 + a^52 + a^50 + a^48 + a^47 + a^46 + a^45 + a^43 + a^42 + a^39 + a^38 + a^37 + a^35 + a^33 + a^31 + a^28 + a^22 + a^21 + a^19 + a^18 + a^17 + a^16 + a^13 + a^9 + a^8 + a^7 + a^5 + a^4 + a^3 : a^109 + a^106 + a^105 + a^104 + a^103 + a^98 + a^96 + a^95 + a^94 + a^93 + a^91 + a^89 + a^87 + a^86 + a^85 + a^82 + a^81 + a^80 + a^78 + a^76 + a^75 + a^74 + a^73 + a^68 + a^67 + a^65 + a^64 + a^63 + a^61 + a^60 + a^58 + a^56 + a^53 + a^52 + a^51 + a^50 + a^48 + a^46 + a^42 + a^41 + a^40 + a^39 + a^38 + a^37 + a^33 + a^31 + a^29 + a^28 + a^27 + a^24 + a^23 + a^22 + a^20 + a^17 + a^16 + a^15 + a^11 + a^10 + a^9 + a^7 + a^5 + a^4 + a^3 + a^2 + a + 1 : 1)

Note: Please try next time(s) to provide code in a "minimal situation" that produces the same error.

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Asked: 2018-09-06 17:16:19 +0100

Seen: 268 times

Last updated: Sep 10 '18