How to compute common zeros of system of polynomial equations with dimension 2?
I have some ideal of homogenous polynomials defined over some finite field: J is the ideal of interest. However I can't call J.variety() since it is not zero dimensional. The system of equations might contain 6 or 231 polynomials in four variables:
sage: [I.gens() for I in J.minimal_associated_primes()]
[[x1 + x2, x0 + x3], [x2 + x3, x0 + x1], [x1 + x3, x0 + x2]]
sage: J.dimension()
Any ideas?
On request. The program computes the invariant under the group $2_{+}^{1+2\cdot2}$ homogenous polynomials of given degree. To construct the polynomials and get a list of them call: homInvar(6):
F = ZZ;
a = matrix(F, [[0,0,0,-1],[0,0,1,0],[0,-1,0,0],[1,0,0,0]])
b = matrix(F, [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,-1,0],[0,0,0,-1]])
c = matrix(F, [[0,1,0,0],[-1,0,0,0],[0,0,0,1],[0,0,-1,0]])
d = matrix(F, [[0,1,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,0,0,-1],[0,0,-1,0]])
def getPart(deg):
part = []
for k in range(deg+1):
for l in range(deg+1):
for m in range(deg+1):
for n in range(deg+1):
if k+l+m+n == deg:
return part
def p(x,part):
x = x.list()
pol = 0
for p in [part]:
mon = 1
for i in range(len(p)):
k = p[i]
mon = mon * x[i]**k
pol = pol + mon
return pol
def getGroup():
G = []
for k in range(4):
for l in range(4):
for m in range(4):
for n in range(4):
g = a**k*b**l*c**m*d**n
if G.count(g)==0:
return G
def reynolds(Gr,part):
reyn = 0
n = len(part)
X = list(var('x%d' % i) for i in range(n))
x = matrix([X]).transpose()
for g in Gr:
reyn += p(g*x,part=part)
#print reyn
return 1/len(Gr)* reyn
def homInvar(deg,Gr=getGroup(),getPart=getPart):
parts = getPart(deg)
inv = set([])
for part in parts:
r = reynolds(Gr,part)
#print r
if r != 0:
return inv
You should provide the construction of the polynomials so that we can play with it and answer your question. Also, what do you want to do with the variety ? Do you want to enumerate its elements ?
@tmonteil: I have added some code. Currently I am experimenting with the zeros of the variety.
The "polynomials" i get are elements of the symbolic ring, not polynomials defined over finite fields, is it on purpose ?
How do you define the ideal
from this code ?@tmonteil: