Find all maximum matchings in a bipartite graph. And how to relabel edges of a bipartite graph in sage?
I want to find all the maximum matchings in a bipartite graph using sage, an algorithm is given in "Finding all maximally-matchable edges in a bipartite graph " by Tamir Tassa. Also, I want to relabel the edges of my bipartite graph from 0,1,2,.. to y_1, y_2, x_1,.. ,x_1 (dot),...
What have you tried ?
Please initialize a graph, at least. Potential helpers can thus get started. (It would be a big favour if somebody finds, reads the cited text, implements it (in all possible relevant cases). So please come as much as possible with hints, and with a concrete description.)
Relabeling is simpler, e.g.
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