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Square root of polynomial modulo another irreducible polynomial

asked 6 years ago

tobiasBora gravatar image

updated 6 years ago


If I'm not wrong, it is always possible to compute the square root of a polynomial P modulo an irreducible polynomial g when the base field is in GF(2m), i.e. find QGF(2m) such that Q^2 \equiv P \mod g. Indeed, the operation Q \rightarrow Q^2 \pmod g should be linear (because we are in GF(2^m)) so an idea would be to compute the matrix T that perform this operation, and then invert it, but I'd like to find an embedded operation in sage. I tried the sagemath P.sqrt() method, but the problem is that because it does not take into account the modulo, it fails most of the time when the polynomial has some terms with odd power of X.

Any idea?


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answered 6 years ago

dan_fulea gravatar image

updated 6 years ago

Let us start with some finite field F of characteristic 2 with q = 2^r elements, and some irreducible polynomial g of (small) degree s over this field.

Then L=F[Y]/g(Y) is a field with q^s=2^{rs} elements, so the corresponding Frobenius morphism is the identity isomorphism of L.

Now let us fix P=P(y)=P(Y)\mod g(Y). Let Q=P^{\displaystyle 2^{rs-1}}\ . Then Q^2=\left(P^{\displaystyle 2^{rs-1}}\right)^2 =P^{\displaystyle 2^{rs}}=P\ .


F.<a> = GF(2^5)
R.<Y> = PolynomialRing(F)
g     = Y^3 + Y + 1
print "Is g = %s irreducible? %s" % ( g, g.is_irreducible() )
S.<y> = R.quotient(g)

P = a*y
Q = P^(2^(3*5-1))

print "P = %s" % P
print "Q = %s" % Q
print "Is Q^2 == P? %s" % bool( Q^2 == P )

This gives:

Is g = Y^3 + Y + 1 irreducible? True
Q = (a^4 + a^3 + a + 1)*y^2 + (a^4 + a^3 + a + 1)*y
Is Q^2 == P? True
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Asked: 6 years ago

Seen: 1,377 times

Last updated: Apr 24 '18