Thank you, @dan_fulea!
I ended by taking a different approach. I created two functions, one for cropping the real and/or imaginary parts that are below a threshold, as the Mathematica function, and another that apply this crop function to generate a new polynomial with coefficients approximated to a specified number of digits. This function also converts the real numbers with zero fractional part (e.g. 1.0000) to the equivalent integer, so that the coefficient of any term that is exactly 1, do not show.
e = 1/46656*(9*(36*s^2 - 3*(6*s + 1/tan(55/72))/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72)) + 1)*(4*s^2 + 1) - 7*(4*(9*s^2 + 1)*(6*s + 1/tan(55/72)) + 5*(36*s^2 - 3*(6*s + 1/tan(55/72))/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72)) + 1)/(8/(3/tan(19/8) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 3/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72))))/(4/(5/(4/tan(29/9) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 1/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72))) - 5/(8/(3/tan(19/8) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 3/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72)))))*(36*s^2 + 25) - 11/46656*(4*(4*(9*s^2 + 1)*(6*s + 1/tan(55/72)) + 5*(36*s^2 - 3*(6*s + 1/tan(55/72))/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72)) + 1)/(8/(3/tan(19/8) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 3/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72))))*(9*s^2 + 4) + 9*(9*(36*s^2 - 3*(6*s + 1/tan(55/72))/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72)) + 1)*(4*s^2 + 1) - 7*(4*(9*s^2 + 1)*(6*s + 1/tan(55/72)) + 5*(36*s^2 - 3*(6*s + 1/tan(55/72))/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72)) + 1)/(8/(3/tan(19/8) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 3/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72))))/(4/(5/(4/tan(29/9) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 1/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72))) - 5/(8/(3/tan(19/8) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 3/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72)))))/(16/(7/(8/(5/tan(295/72) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 1/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72))) - 5/(8/(3/tan(19/8) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 3/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72)))) - 7/(4/(5/(4/tan(29/9) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 1/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72))) - 5/(8/(3/tan(19/8) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 3/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72))))))/(20/(27/(32/(35/(6/tan(5) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 3/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72))) - 5/(8/(3/tan(19/8) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 3/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72)))) - 7/(4/(5/(4/tan(29/9) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 1/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72))) - 5/(8/(3/tan(19/8) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 3/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72))))) - 9/(16/(7/(8/(5/tan(295/72) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 1/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72))) - 5/(8/(3/tan(19/8) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 3/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72)))) - 7/(4/(5/(4/tan(29/9) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 1/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72))) - 5/(8/(3/tan(19/8) - 1/tan(55/72)) - 3/(2/tan(14/9) - 1/tan(55/72))))))
f = (s + 0.267263403945694 + 0.717946300381457*I)*(s + 0.267263403945694 - 0.717946300381457*I)*(s + 0.0662957565747883 + 0.945082838443603*I)*(s + 0.0662957565747883 - 0.945082838443603*I)*(s + 1.58872258534575e-15 + 0.323790242740243*I)*(s + 1.58872258534575e-15 - 0.323790242740243*I)
p = -481858107122483/34956364583988030*(32*s^6 + 48*s^4 + 18*s^2 + 1)/pi + 421794849676389/2806321699992460*(8*s^4 + 8*s^2 + 1)/pi - 3217349902914616/4621771216286985*(2*s^2 + 1)/pi + 732820056818024/435368484578163/pi
def crop(CC_value, RR_threshold):
if abs(CC_value.real()) > RR_threshold and abs(CC_value.imag()) > RR_threshold:
return CC_value
elif abs(CC_value.real()) > RR_threshold and abs(CC_value.imag()) < RR_threshold:
return CC_value.real()
elif abs(CC_value.real()) < RR_threshold and abs(CC_value.imag()) > RR_threshold:
return CC_value.imag()*i
return 0
def print_poly(SymbolicExpression_poly, ZZ_digits, RR_threshold):
coeff = []
for coefficient in SymbolicExpression_poly.coefficients():
coeff.append((Integer(int(coefficient[0])),coefficient[1]) if frac(coefficient[0]) == 0 else (__crop(coefficient[0].n(digits=ZZ_digits),RR_threshold),coefficient[1]))
return sum([a*s^b for a,b in coeff])
print(print_poly(e, 3, 10^-10))
print(print_poly(f, 4, 10^-10))
print(print_poly(p, 5, 10^-10))
The output is
s^6 + 2.54*s^5 + 4.59*s^4 + 4.98*s^3 + 3.73*s^2 + 1.66*s + 0.364
s^6 + 0.6671*s^5 + 1.660*s^4 + 0.6275*s^3 + 0.6898*s^2 + 0.05846*s + 0.05523
-0.14041*s^6 + 0.17213*s^4 - 0.13941*s^2 + 0.35765
Surely the code is not optimized and may contain errors, but it worked fine in my tests. So, I will accept my own answer :-/.
1) Yes.
Does the following help
(The zero is shown, the one is not...)
(2) The precision of the real field did it above.
(3) Depends on the needs, Since we can access the coefficients and the powers of the monomials, we can print our own way, e.g. using a custom function. (Then python could format via %f or %g or %e the coefficients.)
I have two new questions:
1) Why the latex function when operating on ring types/classes behaves differently, printing zeroed terms, then when operating on symbolic types, when it does not print the zeroed terms?
2) Considering the example below, based on my answer, I was expecting, for example, that the numerical approximation of the term of order zero (0.36199913930075) would be returned as 0.362, but the value returned was 0.3617. Why the slight difference?
Thank you!
is different from type to type, as one should expect. Trylatex??
to see how ramified it is the work delegated to subroutines.(2) The error may be understood from the following:
is as in the answer. See also??N
, whereis an other example.