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Isogeny computation for larger numbers doesn't finish

asked 2018-02-21 11:31:58 +0100

anonymous user


updated 2018-02-26 14:31:32 +0100

I have the following code segment in Sage:

from sage.all import *


f = 1
lA = 2
lB = 3
eA = 372
eB = 239

p = f*lA**eA*lB**eB-1
assert p.is_prime()

Fp = GF(p)
R.<x> = PolynomialRing(Fp)
# The quadratic extension via x^2 + 1 since p = 3 mod 4
Fp2.<j> = Fp.extension(x^2 + 1)

E_0 = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [1,0])
assert E_0.is_supersingular()

l = [lA, lB]
e = [eA, eB]

def starting_node(E_i, count):
    if count == 96:
        return E_i
    kers = E_i(0).division_points(3)
    P = E_i(0)
    while P == E_i(0):
        P = kers[randint(0, 8)]
    psi = E_i.isogeny(P)
    return starting_node(psi.codomain(), count+1) 

def walk(E_i, j,lvl, prev_j ,max_lvl):
    children = {}
    if lvl < max_lvl:
        for P in E_i(0).division_points(2):
            if P == E_i(0):
            psi = E_i.isogeny(P)
            E_child = psi.codomain()
            j_child = str(E_child.j_invariant())
            lvl_child = lvl+1
            if j_child in children:
                children[j_child] += 1
                children[j_child] = 1
            if (j_child != prev_j) or (children[j_child] > 1):
                walk(E_child, j_child, lvl_child,j, max_lvl)

idx = 0
E = starting_node(E_0, 0)
print "start: ", str(E.j_invariant())
walk(E, str(E.j_invariant()), 0, "", e[idx])

The above code seems to execute fine when I use smaller values, but still it executes very slowly. Whereas, when I use the above numbers it does not finish with the execution. There already seems to be a similar problem mentioned here, but the solution there seems to be just for 3-isogenies, but what about the general case, for different isogenies and using kernels? Also Magma seems to handle isogeny computations quite efficiently, why is Sage having such a hard time? Any ideas how can I modify the above code so that it actually finishes the execution in a "reasonable" time?

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2 Answers

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answered 2018-02-28 21:33:08 +0100

dan_fulea gravatar image

There was a related question here:


So i will use the ad-hoc routine pointIsogeny, the curve E, and point $R$ defined in there for the start. If i understand the situation, then the line E = starting_node(E_0, 0) wants to build (randomly) the following:

p = 2^372*3^239 - 1
F = GF( p, proof=0 )
R.<x> = PolynomialRing(F)
# The quadratic extension via x^2 + 1 since p = 3 mod 4
Fp2.<j> = Fp.extension(x^2 + 1)

E0 = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [1,0])
R = E0.point( ( 9007518108646169717637829256143902727256908604612852170262845383236308734546752870948023665818612994373405439104311563180515971827416888758364379345147971116263603311381076594736408857657724917306603115510356333363208849059629*j + 8143875544876203102731118758998042519548033956324586056599014675159430178641351639084698635604334996400279245810044652728374901773305503117205094200107841651156165349992200320758569566012680521517849444975619314122642286738078, 5933067621852699133314119054291511797259450704514751366342623924502189539964363940282453138760679452407770908256363554867263728524097776132882938143129922521585626385240622607283870971683009886348379499590584807528366215593257*j + 3243060684426863808401390460086135176972427334603406644358264254553792355536601776050361287848102972929373427788393162068323805718475829130551068182582167101080584984966674872491237953303465307684436948645319932524248022850554 ) )

R_list, degrees_list = [], []
S = 3^(239-96)*R
while S != E0(0):
    R_list.append( S )
    S *= 3

X = ( E0, R_list, [], degrees_list )
count = 0
while X[1]:
    count += 1
    print count
    X = pointIsogeny( *X )

E = X[0]

So we have a starting reproducible elliptic curve E

Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 = x^3 + (7365844174710734349703979824267397716070848379207150714853939305480598177974648401456642446481782170109092245224349222954361643535826935062105068360613554750604758205242084022642407354099811489418896293593385968974015370653730*j+211392337950744742300479627443770128587762706472203430775009140876045287163506520387404594567561228376780127226866671410674341193885329801042247857950441952859225536775626695894662031453971315468618629095593065757279048175980)*x + (191888858730120017972798004127909028669268717193436606467893596092138461980127494443633833240727656111845218913366368409973705945852937546861824400761190208020898528637753121592516776112625907992364462314541787272525903553709*j+577381321884404637808391205760891583039563709656261523188365644721839518395090059951637547964468822095873175263496035533602755866120293764901657313023000531067504187145886064396313750664978511489728895045390110744492542111986) over Finite Field in j of size 10354717741769305252977768237866805321427389645549071170116189679054678940682478846502882896561066713624553211618840202385203911976522554393044160468771151816976706840078913334358399730952774926980235086850991501872665651576831^2

for the further walk process. (That i maybe do not understand in this second.) The walking part may be given by the following:


def walk(E, jString, level, previous_jString ):
    children_DIC = {}    # dictionary jString-value -> number of occurences
    if level >= MAXLEVEL:

    for P in E(0).division_points(2):
        if P == E(0):
        # psi = E.isogeny(P)
        # EE  = psi.codomain()
        EE = pointIsogeny( E, [P], [], [2] )[0]
        jj = str( EE.j_invariant() )    # ?a string (here and elsewhere in similar places)
        level_child = level + 1
        if jj in children_DIC:
            children_DIC[jj] += 1
            children_DIC[jj]  = 1

        print "Level = %s children_DIC[%s] = %s\n" % ( level, jj, children_DIC[jj] )
        if (jj != previous_jString) or (children_DIC[jj] > 1):
            walk(EE, jj, level+1, jString)

print "start: ", str(E.j_invariant())
walk(E, str(E.j_invariant()), 0, "")

It may be that the children dictionary is / should be a global constant. (Then it should be defined outside, and declared as global inside the walk.) I inserted the print in order to see something.

At any rate, the 2-torsion isogeny problem should be solved so far.

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@dan_fulea Thank you for the answer. But apparently, this code does not finish for the above primes. I believe the problem is not the isogeny computation, but how I walk in the graph recursively. Do you have any idea how to handle this more efficiently?

ninho gravatar imageninho ( 2018-03-02 23:15:21 +0100 )edit

answered 2018-02-26 17:42:07 +0100

John Cremona gravatar image

updated 2018-02-26 17:43:34 +0100

In your starting_node function you are constructing points of order 3 but it seems that the function E_i(0).division_points(3) returns points whose order attribute is not set. That should be considered a bug, and probably my fault, certainly fixable. You can get around it rather easily if instead of constructing the isogenies as you do you call the method E_i.isogenies_prime_degree(3) which returns (quickly) a list of all 3-isogenies from E_i. This will include 3-isogenies whose kernel points are not in GF(p) (only their x-coordinates will certainly be), so if that matters you'll need to add a little more.

In the code as is Sage is computing the order of the point P before constructing the 3-isogeny, with no clue as to what that order might be or any bound on it, which may well cause the computation of the cardinality of the curve and its factorization.

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I tried the above code, and I think the main bottleneck is inside the walk function, in the for loop when it tries to compute E_i(0).division_points(2), it doesn't seem to finish. From what I understood, you ask to change the starting_node function, with something like this:

isogs = E_i.isogenies_prime_degree(3)
psi = isogs[randint(0, len(isogs)-1)]
return starting_node(psi.codomain(), count+1)

Am I right? Although, this will work for the starting_node function, I believe the problem still remains inside the walk function. Maybe one can do the same thing there too, and remove the for loop and use this:

isogs = E_i.isogenies_prime_degree(2)
psi = isogs[randint(0, len(isogs)-1)]

But I don't know whether that will give the same results that OP asks for.

ninho gravatar imageninho ( 2018-02-26 18:59:16 +0100 )edit

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Asked: 2018-02-21 11:31:58 +0100

Seen: 426 times

Last updated: Feb 28 '18