How do you find all three angles ?Are there any proof of how to claim all three?
For a triangle of ∠ABC the sides of a,b,c are written in a way of a=sinAsinC, b=sinBsinC, c=sinCsinC and the heights ha,hb,hc are written in a form hcha=,hchb=,hchc to give us a and b. and the base c=1.
If I have a triangle with sides 5,5,4 and their altitudes are √21,√13.44,√13.44 , why do they simplify to give us a special kind of triangle where a=1.25,b=1.25,c=1
Angles 3=0.16+0.16+0.682+0.84+0.84+(1−0.682)
Laws of Cosine ,when we have all 3 lengths are:
Here we have sides 1.25,1.25and1,a simplest version of the triangle measuring 5,5,4.
And for three sides of a triangle a,b,c,and ∠ABC. The legs of the heights ha,hb,hc are situated on three sides of the triangle. For one side a I have b−cos(A)cos(C)=a and for the second side b I have a−cos(B)cos(C)=b and the third side which is c as the base of the triangle equals to 1.
by using consecutive or non consecutive numbers: a<b<c="" we're="" able="" to="" define="" θ="" without="" conversion="" <="" p="">
ac=cos(C) (1−ac)×√(a+c)(c−a)=sin(C)
√(c−b)c=cos(B) √bc=sin(B)
cos(A) & sin(A) which we already know.
Question is: why hchb; hcha;hchc and. sinAsinC; sinBsinC sinCsinCequal to the sides a,b,c?
This is not the right place, this site is supporting the computer algebra system named
. However, since the answer to the only question can be quickly given...Above: sinC/sinC is obviously 1, which is not always equal to c. So the question claims a false statement. What is on the path of the truth is as follows:
Let R be the side of the circumscribed circle. Then a=2RsinA and the other relations, so we get the "sine law" a/sinA=b/sinB=c/sinC=2R.
The other claim is also false, but something can be simply traced back from 2S=aha=bhb=chc, where S is the surface of ΔABC.
So the proportion a:b:c corresponds to (1/ha);(1/hb):(1/hc).
Please take a look at the sagemath tour .
For instance, let A,B,C be the angles in a triangle. Then we may ask sage for the following...
Now, the term sin(A+B+C)=sin180∘ vanishes. And for the other terms, we may write simpler expressions, e.g. sin(−A+B+C)=sin((A+B+C)−2A=sin(180∘−2A)=sin(2A) .
We can check the equality: