receive email if question updated ?
Hi is it possible (on ask.sageMath) for me to be warned by email, about a question that interests me when there is something new in this question?
Hi is it possible (on ask.sageMath) for me to be warned by email, about a question that interests me when there is something new in this question?
The questions and answers website engine behind Ask Sage is ASKBOT.
It has its notification system, which you are probably familiar with already: if there is any new answer or comment for a question you participated in (either by asking it, by answering, by commenting, or by clicking the "Follow" button at the top right; possibly also by upvoting the question, I'm not sure), then the little envelope icon near to your username at the top left gets red, and if you mouse over it, it tells you for instance "you have 2 new responses".
An email server can also be configured to send these notifications by email. In the case of "Ask Askbot", the email server does send you notifications by email, but in the case of Ask Sage, it is not active. We fear that if we turn it on, it would send the whole backlog of notifications and flood the mailboxes of Ask Sage users with notifications for all the activity over the past years!
Please start posting anonymously - your entry will be published after you log in or create a new account.
Asked: 2018-01-28 17:28:25 +0100
Seen: 7,989 times
Last updated: Jan 29 '18