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Help summing an infinite series

asked 7 years ago

lkkl gravatar image

I have been trying to evaluate the following series using SageMath.

 sum((x^x)/(factorial(x)*exp(x)) - 1/sqrt(2*pi*x), x, 1, +oo).n()

The answer should be -0.084069508727655... (-2/3 - zeta(1/2)/sqrt(Pi)), but I get the following error when the upper limit is above 96:

RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

Is there any way SageMath could give me even the first few digits of the infinite sum? This sum seems to evaluate just fine in Maple and Mathematica, but not in any open source program I have tried, including Axiom, Maxima, PARI, and SymPy.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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answered 7 years ago

dan_fulea gravatar image

In sage i tried to work in the following numerical field R:

R = RealField(200)

N = 10000
S1 = sum( [ R( (n/exp(1))^n / factorial(n) ) for n in [1..N] ] )
S2 = 1/sqrt(2*R(pi)) * sum( [ R( 1/sqrt(n) ) for n in [1..N] ] )
S1 - S2

After a while:


Two decimals only, this is because we have a slow convergence.

In pari/gp:

? \p 200
   realprecision = 211 significant digits (200 digits displayed)
? N = 20000
%1 = 20000
? S1 = sum( n=1, N, (n/exp(1))^n / n! )
%2 = 112.17313066274937979489499417935379308757523535794874273299297201896403797332045063551083264178584322111389066602610107202478259077132712353378611733460800239174023186964221827251175464458573129824452
? S2 = 1/sqrt(2*Pi) * sum( n=1, N, 1./sqrt(n) )
%3 = 112.25673001969414128242389934033133492400419727408188161493507054932051390461929936662048861000846610281386339772874414970984758369589845752424666439767258043083118243285029238837805841560457193884550
? S1 - S2
%4 = -0.083599356944761487528905160977541836428961916133138881942098530356475931298848731109655968222622881699972731702643077685064992924571333990460547063064578039090950563208074115866303771018840640600982726
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Asked: 7 years ago

Seen: 1,603 times

Last updated: Jan 07 '18