Finding all simply laced Dynkin graphs with a given number of vertices up to isomorphism
The simply laced Dynkin graphs look as follows and are known from many classification results in mathematics, like Lie algebra or path algebras of finite representaiton type.
Now I try to use SAGE to obtain all possible directed Dynkin quivers with a given number of simples and underlying type. So the input is one of the symbol A, D or E and a natural number n≥2 and the output should be all directed Dynkin quivers of type X with n points up to isomorphism (where X is A , D or E). The output should have the following form in the example when the input is X=A and n=3:
So the output is a list with 3 entries, which GAP can understand. An entry of the form DynkinQuiver("A",3,["r","l"]) is easy to understand: First A is the type, 3 the number of vertices and ["r","l"] is the orientation (right and left). See on page 14 how the input is for type D and E. Here another example for type E: Q:=DynkinQuiver("E",7,["r","l","r","l","r","u"]).
My motivation is to use SAGE to get this list of quiver and then I want to use the output of SAGE to put it into GAP, where I can do some calculation with the path algebras of those quiver. I want to use SAGE since GAP can not handle problems with graphs and especially is not able to give the list up to isomorphism. Is there a quick way SAGE can find all such directed graphs up to isomorphism and can do the output in the given form? I have a conjecture that might give a new homological characerisation of those Dynkin graphs so Im really curious to test it for a large class of those graphs.
I offer a 30 Euro reward for a fast code that can solve the problem in a quick way maybe until n=12 or 13. I can pay via paypal or Am azon gift card (or donate to an organisation of your choice in case the organisation has paypal payment methods).
Is En defined for all n≥6? Or is it just for n∈6,7,8?
@fidbc It is just defined for n=6,7,8 (or more precisly, it is a Dynkin graph just for those values), but of course it would be no harm to have a generalisation for higher n since one chooses the input number n anyway.
What exactly do we mean by "fast code"? Any memory usage constraints? Is a 1 minute wait reasonable for n=13?
Guess the purpose of En is having the n-th vertex anchored at the third vertex of the path from left to right, correct?
@fidbc yes, and 1 minite is of course fine.