Why does assume() mess with equality checks?

asked 7 years ago

I ran into this interesting behaviour just now:

sage: bool(10 == log(282475249)/log(7))
sage: assume(282475249 == 7^x)
sage: bool(10 == log(282475249)/log(7))

Is this a bug? assume(7^x == 282475249) doesn't trigger the weird behaviour, but I'd expect those two assumptions to be equivalent.

I'm running SageMath version 8.0, Release Date: 2017-07-21

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Well, try assume the other way around:

sage: assume( 7^x == 282475249 )
sage: bool(10 == log(282475249)/log(7))

to add a new question inside the question. I love such questions on a system written to highly serve higher mathematics. (And there is skew proportion of them w.r.t. questions involving e.g. elliptic curves...) Probably that the assume tries to replace the LHS every time it can do it, then the bool has to check for 10 == log(7^x)/log(7), and even if gets the simplified version bool( 10 == x ) it may stop here, delivering a false. This False means sagecan not prove (without (further) help) that the assertion is true. It delivers a True iff it can.

Note: assume does not get all the best of the assumption in most cases. How could it?

dan_fulea gravatar imagedan_fulea ( 7 years ago )