How to Plot/Graph/Show a system of linear equations
Disclaimer: I'm new to Sage Math and Linear equations.
Background: Google will plot/graph this search: "plot 3x+4y"
In Sage Math, how can I show similar output as Google?
Is there a better way, in 2D or 3D, to plot the following? 3x+4y=2.5 AND 5x-4y=25.5 ?
x, y = var('x,y') a=3*x+4*y==2.5 b=5*x-4*y==25.5 p1=implicit_plot(a, (x,-2,5), (y,-4,4), axes="true", aspect_ratio=1) p2=implicit_plot(b, (x,-2,5), (y,-4,4), axes="true", aspect_ratio=1) show(p1+p2)