convert string to list
I have a string of the form, say, '[(1,2),(2,3)]' and want to obtain the list [(1,2),(2,3)] instead.
You can use the eval
Python function:
sage: s='[(1,2),(2,3)]' ; s
sage: type(s)
<type 'str'>
sage: L = eval(s) ; L
[(1, 2), (2, 3)]
sage: type(L)
<type 'list'>
Note however that the string is not preparsed, so you will get Python ints, note Sage integers:
sage: type(L[0][0])
<type 'int'>
To "benefit" from Sage preparsing, you can do:
sage: L = eval(preparse(s)) ; L
[(1, 2), (2, 3)]
sage: type(L[0][0])
<type 'sage.rings.integer.Integer'>
answered 2017-01-04 01:10:25 +0100
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Thank you very much for your answer! It works if I use the string s. If instead I use my_string (which, on the surface, looks pretty much like s, but was obtained from opening a .sage file containing the string) then I get: TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable !!
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Asked: 2017-01-03 23:09:51 +0100
Seen: 2,073 times
Last updated: Jan 04 '17