sage code for decimal to binary expansion
k=4 then (0100)
Interestingly, this hasn't been properly asked sometimes. Here is an example:
sage: a = 15
sage: a.binary()
This gives the list of digits rather than a string:
sage: a = 14
sage: a.digits(2)
[0, 1, 1, 1]
Note that these are listed starting with the units digit.
b = a.digits(2); b.reverse(); ''.join(map(str,b))
pretty much does the same thing as a.binary()
. Doing this with other primitive data types can be done using the Python 'struct' package. For example, for floats: ''.join(bin(ord(c)).replace('0b', '').rjust(8, '0') for c in struct.pack('!f', num))
. Anyone has any idea how to print the binary representation for Sage ring data types such as Rationals?
@VivekGandhi: what is the binary representation for a rational number? Is a.numerator().binary() + '/' + a.denominator().binary()
what you mean? By the way, I don't think there can be a general answer for all "Sage ring data types," since they won't all have a meaningful binary representation.
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Asked: 2016-12-16 15:36:54 +0200
Seen: 9,733 times
Last updated: Dec 16 '16